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[PTR Raid report - Mount Hyjal]: Solaris 25th of May #12

Open IskrenPlashkov opened 1 month ago

IskrenPlashkov commented 1 month ago

Mechanics comments on trash mobs

All trash mechanics work. However giant infernals in horde camp are still enslaveable. Once enslave is broken by the player the infernal disappears without progress on the wave. Best way to prevent this is to just make them immune to the warlock enslave and problem solved.

Tuning comments on trash mobs

Everything is OK.

Mechanics comments on Rage Winterchill

Everything is OK.

Tuning comments on Rage Winterchill

Seems ok. Icebolt kills people every once in a while but this acts as a soft enrage of sorts, which is a good thing because it puts pressure on the raid to finish the fight in reasonable time.

Mechanics comments on Anetheron

Sleep is fixed. Carrion swarm still acts a bit weird sometimes and from the looks of it goes of twice. Will need to do more testing in the next few days to verify. The fight is still doable with this possible bug however so not a dealbreaker.

Tuning comments on Anetheron

Everything is OK. The hp nerf on infernals is very good and they can reasonably be killed by the raid before the next 1 spawns.

Mechanics comments on Kaz'rogal

Everything is OK.

Tuning comments on Kaz'rogal

In its current state the fight is barely possible for top end raid group. I recommend making his hp 10m to make it doable by regular raids. There would still be little room for error and the fight will be challenging.

Mechanics comments on Azgalor

Doom should not hit the main tank (highest threat target) - BUG

Tuning comments on Azgalor

Silence - 5 seconds duration with 20 second cooldown. This is way too much. Not only does it hinder healing but also prevents caster heavy comps from doing enough dmg on boss. Right not we spend 25% of the fight in silence... Rain of fire is still one shotting most players. 2.3 to 2.6k initial dmg followed by 1.6k every second for 5 seconds. This makes it over 10k dmg per multiple players. With its 15 seconds cooldown this is just not manageable. The frequent overlap of both silence and RoF is also very devastating. Normally having a mechanic kill a player in 5 seconds if not healed is perfectly fine, however the very frequent overlap with silence makes this a no go. In my opinion until rain of fire stops doing enough dmg to kill a player from 100% to 0 the fight will be impossible, Even if RoF ends up doing only 8k dmg in total this still puts a lot of pressure on healers as they have to top multiple raiders back to full before the next silence hits.

Mechanics comments on Archimonde

I am not sure if you artificially slowed the spread of doomfire but the fight actually feels a lot better now. As it often times switches target it now has at least some chance for players to kite it away. All mechanics work in theory, however something must be done about spells overlapping and him casting 2-3 spells at the same time or immediately 1 after the other. Air burst + fear combos are very frequent and lead to some unavoidable deaths. Also doomfire followed by fear in a couple of seconds kills people without them having chance to prevent it.

Tuning comments on Archimonde

HP nerf was very good. His AA is a bit too strong. Often times kills pre hotted bis geared tank in a single fear... I strongly recommend reverting doomfire dmg to its original values. The spell is too unpredictable and often times unavoidable to be doing any more dmg than what originally did.

Overall comments on raid mechanics

Other than the possible carrion swarm bug all boss agilities are working as intended. That being said Azgalor and Archimonde have very serious problem with overlapping spells. Silence + rain of fire combo happens way too often and healer simply cant save people who get hit by RoF. Rain itself can not be dodged - at least the first hit cant, and even if players move out asap if healers are silenced they die anyway. Archimonde on the other hand frequently combos players with Air burst + fear or doomfire + fear in few seconds (immediately after a good portion of the area is covered by flames).

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the mechanics in the raid


Overall comments on tuning

Add hp nerfs on Anetheron and Azgalor are very nice change. Kaz'rogal needs about 2m hp nerf to make him killable by reasonably strong raid groups. I am convinced that Azgalor Rain of Fire should not do enough dmg to kill players outright. It is unreasonable to expect people to top everyone up in time with silence being this frequent. Archimond AA hits a bit too strong and doomfire should be reverted to its vanilla values simply due to how unpredictable its moving pattern is.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the tuning in the raid


heyitsbench commented 1 month ago

Best way to prevent this is to just make them immune to the warlock enslave and problem solved.

The actual fix to this is to make these mobs not despawn when charms break on them. Making the mob immune only serves as a band-aid fix.