chromiecraft / PTR-review

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[PTR Raid report - Mount Hyjal (Analyzes of Limbo VOD)]: Shael <The Brew Crew> #13

Open Krateozshael opened 1 month ago

Krateozshael commented 1 month ago

Mechanics comments on trash mobs

Everything looked alright.

Tuning comments on trash mobs

Damage wise trash looked okay. Only problem are definitly the Trash HP values. You can almost say in any case they got a a 170% hp increase (Aboms going from 180k ish to 500k) It was multiple times written and proven that our damage on CC is between 75%-100% higher than on TBC classic. It happens regulary on the horde camp, that the next wave comes while you are still killing the previous one, making healers having problems to sit down to regenerate mana.

Additionally if you wipe to the broken bosses, you have to redo them again and again. Not a good approach imo. Additionally there are not really "mechanics" on the trash to test and justify their damage-sponginess.

Mechanics comments on Rage Winterchill

The Death and Decay feels bigger than it looks. Otherwise okay.

Tuning comments on Rage Winterchill

Oneshots. Meeles getting hit by frostnova and then a icebolt is an quaranteed death, unavoidable. Generally the damage of icebolt is too high (hitting for 7.5k, followed by immediate dot tick) resulting in a more than often instant death aswell.

As always, too much boss HP. In fact its a 300%!!!! Hp increase (3 mill untuned vs 12 mill tuned). As stated in the trash section, its waaaay too much.

Mechanics comments on Anetheron

Everything Working

Tuning comments on Anetheron

Infernal hp too high in combination with its damage Anetheron hp buff same as Rage Winterchill.

Mechanics comments on Kaz'rogal

Casts of the mark are too frequent. They should start with one every 1 minute, and getting more frequent with the fight duration making this mechanic basically a soft enrage

Tuning comments on Kaz'rogal

Too much hp, too much damage race.

Mechanics comments on Azgalor

Works fine.

Tuning comments on Azgalor

As written before...

Mechanics comments on Archimonde

Wasnt able to see much due to tuning issues

Tuning comments on Archimonde

Fire damage is too high, basically unavoidable death in combination with the fear. HP issue as always.

Overall comments on raid mechanics

Mechanic wise the raid looks okayish.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the mechanics in the raid


Overall comments on tuning

As written in the individual sections - detune the heck out of HP, especially the trash. Bosses having almost quadruple HP is also not fun at all. Additionally to that alot of abilities are overtuned in damage causing unavoidable deaths/too difficult encounters, especially for more casual guilds/newer players. We cant test raids and their bugs, if raids are too difficult so not everyone can go in.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the tuning in the raid


elthehablo commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report! Please send a screenshot with all involved players (or a list of 25 people is fine too) that participated in the test

Krateozshael commented 1 month ago

I wasnt part of the raid itself. I watched 5 hours of VOD of Bench and Nines. Nines will write a post aswell later afaik. My Motivation is to give more opinions than just Limbos and Solaris'

Krateozshael commented 1 month ago

May i make here clear suggestion for tuning?

Half HP of trash Detune HP on any Boss before Archimonde to 8 Mill (about 166% hp modifier) Remove any tuning on the icebolts of Winterchill Half HP on Infernals Take a look on Kazrogal marks, he casts 6 times in 3 min 30, seems a bit much regarding the first should appear after 1 min 20k fire tick on Archimonde? - self explanatory Reduce hp a bit aswell.

Please dont take this as an offense, im the direct kind and i prefer stating my thoughts plain, than making vague statements/suggestions

amed80 commented 1 month ago

Take a look on Kazrogal marks, he casts 6 times in 3 min 30, seems a bit much regarding the first should appear after 1 min

For Kaz'rogal Mark it's suppose to be that way , the first one is casted after 45sec from engaging then the timer get lower by 5 sec until it reach 10sec at the end.

Krateozshael commented 1 month ago

I did some Research on that and you are right, wasnt Sure about that