chromiecraft / PTR-review

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[PTR Raid report - Mount Hyjal]: Limbo NA Thursday 23rd #14

Open NinesCC opened 1 month ago

NinesCC commented 1 month ago

Mechanics comments on trash mobs

Mechanics on the trash seem to work for the most part. We didn't check them one by one, but they all seemed to be casting their abilities.

Tuning comments on trash mobs

Each wave has a timer so there are DPS checks to be made on every one of them, because not all waves are the same, some can seem trivial while others can cause trouble depending on the

On the waves to Rage Winterchill and Anetheron we ran with 22 and struggled meeting the DPS checks on the packs with 4 necromancers because their summons have 97k health instead of the normal 33.8k they should. While we still cleared them the casters barely had time to drink between waves which creates a snowball effect. It's also especially evident the bug which keeps healers from getting out of combat a long time after combat has ended, similar to this report:


The checks for Anetheron and Kaz'rogal were not met with a team of 23 BiS characters, because as soon as we couldn't meet a wave DPS check the other would stack up.

For this raid the result of the tuning of the trash remains inconclusive as we didn't have a full team. In general the damage received is very high making the healers struggle with mana.

Mechanics comments on Rage Winterchill

The boss seems to be doing the mechanics correctly.

Tuning comments on Rage Winterchill

This fight is factually overtuned both of his main mechanics don't need any scaling

Mechanics comments on Anetheron

Confirmed issues:

New Issues

Tuning comments on Anetheron

Towering Infernals These will kill most players marked within 2 seconds, as they hit for around 3.8k+ with Immolation while immediately meleeing with 5k+ hits giving the effected player 2 seconds to be healed/tanked off and anyone nearby around 4 seconds. These two abilities don't need any buffing from their base values. Source: image

Small hit box Complicates the fight more for melee as they need to be closer to each other, making the infernal mechanic more punishing if the marked player doesn't move away in time

Sleep on the tank While not supposed to happen, the boss is tauntable so it can be fixed with two tanks swapping when this happens.

Mechanics comments on Kaz'rogal

New Issues

Tuning comments on Kaz'rogal

Mechanics comments on Azgalor

Confirmed issues:

Tuning comments on Azgalor

The fight seemed OK. The raid damage received felt a bit high, but more testing would be necessary to reach a conclusion.

Mechanics comments on Archimonde

Due to time constraints, we were unable to test this boss

Tuning comments on Archimonde


Overall comments on raid mechanics

Besides a few abilities having unusual timers, mechanics in general (trash & bosses) seem to be working OK. Archimonde was not tested in this PTR, so this rating is based on the 4 bosses before him.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the mechanics in the raid


Overall comments on tuning

As TBC raids become mechanically more complex, this current approach to globally increasing damage values is making fights become unnecessarily harder than they were supposed to be initially by the original game developers, like spells doing 21% health dmg instead of 15% reducing the available reaction time players have to survive mechanics.

Wrath gear does not scale like this with stamina, for example the TBC and Wrath pieces of T6 both have 34 agility and 36 stamina:

The effect of "receiving higher damage but having the same amount of health" has on gameplay is players being killed faster giving a feeling of not having any control over some mechanics, like dying in less than a second with an Icebolt because the damage received is too high which also frustrates the healers.

I do understand the dilemma, that if damage received is too low then players will just ignore mechanics so it's a delicate balance.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the tuning in the raid