chromiecraft / PTR-review

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[PTR Raid report - The Black Temple]: ZugZug Alliance (Multi-Guild PTR Run) #32

Open Krateozshael opened 3 days ago

Krateozshael commented 3 days ago

Mechanics comments on trash mobs

Didnt test too much of trash mobs, we tried here and there few mobs. Mechanics overall work pretty fine, some mobs just have some wrong behaviour, regarding their CC-immunity.

9/10 working state

Tuning comments on trash mobs

Tuning of trash is extremely well done. Nobody wants to spend too much time on that, therefore the lower side of their HP values are on spot. Some Trash mobs hit reasonably hard and serve a little challenge if not handled well. Probably the best state of Trash-Tuning ever done so far on CC!


Mechanics comments on High Warlord Najentus

All mechanics work very well nothing outstanding. Its a simple tank and spank.


Tuning comments on High Warlord Najentus

As some people would say its easy - well yes, its a first boss tho and you cant make the boss harder without making the boss impossible without running a disc priest. The Tidelburst hits for 5k-ish after everyone is shielded up, 8k if not. If you would increase the damage it would make the fight impossible for any raid group without a disc priest. Keep the boss this way!


Mechanics comments on Supremus

This is the first boss with some Problems. Phase 1 works as it should, no problem here Phase 2 is a little sketchy. Supremus always charges to the fixated person before the fixates another target (probably due to the "new target" being further than 40 yds away) Example: This makes the fight kind of tricky and uncontrollable since it causes alot of confusion


Tuning comments on Supremus

Tuning seems fine, it needs some coordination and reaction time of each player to beat it. Fine for mythic. DONT TOUCH DAMAGE VALUES tho


Mechanics comments on Shade of Akama

Phase 1: works well, nothing outstanding Phase 2: Akama and Shade are bugged. Akama targets an add from Phase 1 and doesnt Attack Shade. Heard its getting worked on.


Tuning comments on Shade of Akama

Well Akama can solo Shade if he hasnt gotten any damage during P1, so..... Reduce damage Akama deals and we are fine. But this isnt urgent, since P2 is a easy Phase anyways


Mechanics comments on Teron Gorefiend

Everything worked as it should.


Tuning comments on Teron Gorefiend

Ghosts die resonably fast as in TBCC, otherwise tank and spank


Mechanics comments on Gurtogg Bloodboil

Encountered no bug as it seems


Tuning comments on Gurtogg Bloodboil

Probably the best and most fun Boss so far in BT. Extremely fun to heal. Perhaps the meele damage to the fixated target might be a bit high. We ran 6 healer setup and were OOM at the end. Might be hard for "more casual" groups, but with proper coordination very doable.


Mechanics comments on Reliquary of Souls

All mechanics seem to work


Tuning comments on Reliquary of Souls

Reflected damage might be too high in phase 2. Perhaps instead of Reflecting 50%, tune it down to 35-40%. Problem is not that the healers cant outheal it, Problem is that people just simply oneshot themselve without having the chance to react to it. Problem of WOTLK talents. Phase 3 is quite tight but doable. Dont touch it, or maybe reduce P3 health by 10% Otherwise fun Boss.


Mechanics comments on Mother Shahraz

Didnt feel anything wasnt working, great scripting!


Tuning comments on Mother Shahraz

Fatal Attraction damage is fine, you need about 150-200 SR (total) to survive it. Without its a guaranteed death. at one point the knockup aligned with the attraction, meaning 3 people guaranteed dead. Dont know if its supposed to be like that or not.


Mechanics comments on The Illidari Council

There are severe issues of the damage distribution. We had Bench in the test run, who scripted that, but somewhere it didnt calculated the damage properly. We tested hitting the Boss for 4 Milliom damage, but each Council-Member received only 650k dmg, meaning there is a hidden 35% damage reduction, making the boss having effectivly 26.7 Million hp insted of 17.1. I think i dont have to tell that this is absurd and hillarious This boss is NOT doable in its current state, but Bench said hes working on it.

for now 2 / 10 (simply because everything else mechanically is working)

Tuning comments on The Illidari Council

see above I think even the 17.1 Million HP are quite too much since you cant really AOE here to justify the severe increased HP and the flat damage reductions of some Council-Members Abilities. maybe a cummulative 13 Million HP should be the goal imo. (this being aligned with most other bosses having 9 - 11 Million HP)

0/10 (cuz this needs to be fixed)

Mechanics comments on Illidan Stormrage

Phase 1 Worked flawlessly didnt have time to test mechanics of all other phases

Tuning comments on Illidan Stormrage

Shadow Parasites only have 2400 hp, seems a bit low, since they are basically oneshot by everything. Would suggest bumping up their HP to about 7000 so you need to focus them a tiny bit. Phase 2: Fire of Elementals have too high hitbox and immediatly oneshot meeles and tanks on spawn. (Ticks for 5-6k every second) Elementals on their own have too low hitbox at the other hand Phase 3: only tested it briefly. Even in SR gear the WL tank got 7k hits which seems too high. Otherwise we all got onshot by something i didnt really see. Need to do another Testrun to really give Data here

so far 1/10 tho

Overall comments on raid mechanics

Mechanics wise most of the stuff seems quite good without major issures besides Council and Illidan where we didnt get enough data to test.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the mechanics in the raid


Overall comments on tuning

Tuning except too high HP of Council and Illidan is reeaaaally good. Last 2 Bosses needs some work.

Give a rating out of 10 for the state of the tuning in the raid


Krateozshael commented 3 days ago

Comment by Tissalie - Ominous (has no GITHUB acc)

Everything regarding Illidan:

Krateozshael commented 2 days ago

Comment by Camembert - Horizon (has no GitHub acc)