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[Progression] PvP Items mismatch and missing items (previous +healing items) #5108

Open balleny opened 1 year ago

balleny commented 1 year ago

What client do you play on?




Content Phase:


Current Behaviour

Based on PTR:

Horde Shamans see the Lamellar plate gear;crs=1;crv=0;na=lamellar;qu=3:4;sl=8:6:9;minle=100;maxle=123

at Doris

and Doris is not selling the Ringmail items;crs=1;crv=0;na=ringmail;qu=3:4;sl=8:6:9;minle=100;maxle=123

Expected Blizzlike Behaviour




Steps to reproduce the problem


Extra Notes

Problem may apply for Alliance Shamans, too

AC rev. hash/commit

Operating system

Ubuntu 20.04






balleny commented 1 year ago

same issue also applies to Mooncloth pieces;crs=1;crv=0;na=moon;qu=3:4;ty=1;sl=8:6:9;minle=100;maxle=123

it looks like those, and likely the same for leather and plate, pieces which used to have +healing power, got converted into stamina with wotlk. Hence, every previous +healing item from the pvp offsets across all armor types now has an very high amount of stamina, but lacks spellpower - was it was converted by Blizzard.

If this conversion justifies to make the sets not available might be a task for the pvp council - but purely from progression point of view, the items have to be available

the affected sets should be mooncloth, ringmail and ornament;crs=1:3:3:3:3;crv=0:0:0:0:0;qu=3:4;sl=8:6:9;minle=100;maxle=123#0+18-2

Gultask commented 1 year ago

About this. I can't see the Lamellar items on Shaman. And Ringmail is available. Everything lines up in the query as well


Gultask commented 1 year ago

Oh! You mean the off-set pieces! Sorry. I'll get it corrected to the appropriate classes.

The off-set pieces will not be available at 70 on launch.

Gultask commented 1 year ago

Something weird popped up as well.


These items have no stats. Neither Ringmail nor Mooncloth. I don't remember this being something I removed from the list. It seems that not even Mangos had them in their DBs as well.

balleny commented 1 year ago

It gets even more interesting:

Looking at wotlk classic, you see them with spellpower image

but in the database image

and the same ID

Gultask commented 1 year ago

One moment maybe this is actually something deeper. They do have stats in the DB, but it does not show ingame

DB: image

Ingame: image

balleny commented 1 year ago

the stats are really missing - its not like they are just invisible. if you equip it, change in character stats

Annamaria-CC commented 1 year ago

@Gultask is this bugged or whats the status?

alecsci commented 3 months ago

@Gultask I can't interact with the vendor on PTR. Was it disabled ?