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Iterating + Control Flow #223

Closed danakj closed 1 year ago

danakj commented 1 year ago

Subspace, like Rust, currently lacks the control-flow "register when iterating:

Maybe we would like an AsyncIterator that can be returned from a coroutine function?

Time to go learn about coroutines in depth.

See also prior art, all the methods on IEnumerable in C#.

danakj commented 1 year ago

A rough sketch. Without any integration into the Iterator concept and IteratorImpl class. But I think this can subclass from IteratorImpl and it Just Works(tm). Then any function can return an IterGenerator<T> and yield Ts and it's a sus::Iterator.

Some questions:

#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <coroutine>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

namespace sus {
void check(bool v) { assert(v); }
[[noreturn]] void unreachable() { abort(); }
}  // namespace sus

template <class T>
struct Option {
    constexpr ~Option() noexcept {
        if (has) t_.~T();
    union {
        T t_;
    bool has = false;

    constexpr Option() = default;
    constexpr Option(T r) : t_(std::move(r)), has(true) {}

    Option(Option&& o) : has(std::exchange(o.has, false)) {
        if (has) {
            if constexpr (std::is_trivially_default_constructible_v<T>)
                t_ = o.t_;
                new (&t_) T(std::move(o.t_));
    Option& operator=(Option&& o) {
        if (has) {
        has = std::exchange(o.has, false);
        if (has) {
            if constexpr (std::is_trivially_default_constructible_v<T>)
                t_ = o.t_;
                new (&t_) T(std::move(o.t_));
        return *this;

    constexpr void insert(T r) {
        if (!has) {
            has = true;
            new (&t_) T(std::move(r));
        } else {
            t_ = std::move(r);

    constexpr T unwrap_unchecked() && noexcept {
        has = false;
        T r = std::move(t_);
        return r;

    constexpr Option take() & noexcept {
        if (has) {
            auto o = Option(std::move(t_));
            has = false;
            return o;
        } else {
            return Option();

template <class IG, class T>
struct IterPromise {
    IG get_return_object() { return IG(*this); }

    constexpr auto yield_value(Option<T> y) noexcept {
        yielded_ = std::move(y);
        return std::suspend_always();

    constexpr auto initial_suspend() noexcept { return std::suspend_always(); }
    constexpr auto final_suspend() noexcept { return std::suspend_always(); }
    void unhandled_exception() noexcept { ::sus::unreachable(); }

    Option<T> yielded_;

struct IteratorEnd {};

template <class T>
struct IterGenerator {
    // Coroutine implementation.
    using promise_type = IterPromise<IterGenerator<T>, T>;

    using CoHandle = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;

    constexpr IterGenerator(promise_type& p) noexcept
        : co_handle_(CoHandle::from_promise(p)) {}
    constexpr ~IterGenerator() noexcept {
        if (co_handle_ != nullptr) co_handle_.destroy();

    constexpr IterGenerator(IterGenerator&& o) noexcept
        : co_handle_(std::exchange(o.co_handle_, nullptr)) {
        ::sus::check(co_handle_ != nullptr);
    constexpr IterGenerator& operator=(IterGenerator&& o) noexcept {
        co_handle_ = std::exchange(o.co_handle_, nullptr);
        ::sus::check(co_handle_ != nullptr);

    constexpr Option<T> next() noexcept {
        if (!co_handle_.done()) co_handle_.resume();
        return co_handle_.promise().yielded_.take();

    constexpr auto begin() & noexcept {
        // Ensure the first item is yielded and ready to be returned from the
        // iterator's operator*().
        if (!co_handle_.done()) co_handle_.resume();
        return IterGeneratorLoop(*this);

    constexpr auto end() & noexcept { return IteratorEnd(); }

    struct IterGeneratorLoop {
        IterGeneratorLoop(IterGenerator& ig [[clang::lifetimebound]])
            : ig_(ig) {}
        constexpr bool operator==(const IteratorEnd&) noexcept {
            return ig_.co_handle_.done();
        constexpr IterGeneratorLoop& operator++() & noexcept {
            return *this;
        constexpr T operator*() & noexcept {
            return ig_.co_handle_.promise().yielded_.take().unwrap_unchecked();

        IterGenerator& ig_;

    CoHandle co_handle_;

int main() {
    auto x = []() -> IterGenerator<int> {
        co_yield 1;
        co_yield 2;
        co_yield 4;
        co_yield 9;
    auto it = x();

    std::cout << << "\n";

    for (int i : it) {
        std::cout << i << " ";
danakj commented 1 year ago

await in an iterator does not seem particularly useful. it would need to yield and then have the caller give it data that it can await for...?

Iterators can yield other iterators with for loops:

int main() {
    auto y = []() -> IterGenerator<int> {
        co_yield 10;
        co_yield 9;
        co_yield 8;
    auto x = [](IterGenerator<int> o) -> IterGenerator<int> {
        co_yield 1;
        co_yield 2;
        co_yield 4;
        co_yield 7;
        for (auto&& x : o) co_yield x;
    auto it = x(y());


    for (int i : it) {

Prints: 1 2 4 7 10 9 8

danakj commented 1 year ago

Delete await_transform() in the promise_type to avoid co_await in the IteratorGenerator since it's a sync iterator and next() needs to return the next value. Returning early won't work, the caller expects a value there, there's no poll API.

    void await_transform() = delete;