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Delete consteval constructors #266

Closed danakj closed 1 year ago

danakj commented 1 year ago

This is sad. But they break compilation.

They are a constructor so they should let you construct stuff with them.

struct S { consteval S(int); };

This works fine cuz we're calling the constructor directly. But if there's any indirection in between, the constructor becomes unusable as you now have a reference, but still remains callable even though you're now in a runtime context. And this just produces a compiler error.

One consequence is that it's impossible to construct the above S from a function that takes a variable number of arguments. Varargs are implemented as templated types, and you can specified constructible_from<S, Ts> for each Ts but you receive a Ts&& and now when you call S::S() with that reference, the compiler generates an error.

See for more sadness about this.

It was really nice to compile-time convert from (signed) 1 to u32 but it just breaks in completely surprising and difficult ways to understand for a user. Better to not work at all I think.

danakj commented 1 year ago

Here's a more coherent explanation of the deficiencies of consteval in C++20. We'll look at it from the perspective of constructors, where it's more obvious, but the same applies to any function.

tl;dr consteval does not participate in overload resolution, consteval is not visible to SFINAE, and consteval. So it breaks templated code and your users will have to work around it.


Here's a type, it can be constructed in a constant expression from an int or a float. At runtime it can not be constructed from int.

struct S {
    // Compile-time or run-time.
    constexpr S(float) {}

    // Compile-time only.
    consteval S(int) {}

What works

We can construct S from an int literal, which is known at compile time. We can also construct it from a constexpr variable.

auto v1 = S(1);
constexpr auto c =1;
auto v2 = S(c);

We can receive S by value in a non-constexpr function and pass an int literal to construct the argument.

void take_s(S) {}

void f() {

What works in one compiler

We can construct S from a constexpr template function, in clang anyway. In MSVC this is a compiler error error C7595: 'S::S': call to immediate function is not a constant expression inside each of the make_s1 and make_s2 functions. In GCC this is compiler error error: 'i' is not a constant expression inside each function.

template <class T>
constexpr S make_s1(T i) { return S(i); }
template <class T>
constexpr S make_s2(T&& i) { return S(std::forward<T>(i)); }

void f() {
  auto v1 = make_s1(1);
  auto v2 = make_s2(1);

What does not work

If your constexpr function has a path that calls a non-constexpr function (in fact soon all paths can be non-constexpr and will be accepted), and you forward your template type, things break.

void take_s(S s) {}

template <class T>
constexpr void make_s1(T i) { if (i < 10) take_s(i); }
template <class T>
constexpr void make_s2(T&& i) { if (i < 10) take_s(std::forward<T>(i)); }

void f() {
  // error: call to immediate function 'make_s1<int>' is not a constant expression
  // error: call to immediate function 'make_s2<int>' is not a constant expression

In clang, at least the error is at the caller of make_s1 and make_s2, whereas in MSVC it ends up inside the body of those functions.

There's no way to ask if S is constructible in a runtime context. The type_traits library only answers about compile time (constant evaluation). So there's no way to interact with the caller in SFINAE and have them choose a different path. There is only compile error.

This gets much more obvious when you want to write generic types. Here's a class that's templated on T.

template <class T>
struct Holder {
  Holder(T u) { T{u}; }

This works because we're receiving T by value.

void f() {

But we may want to receive parameters that are convertible_to the template type T without converting them yet, rather than receiving them by value. This is a pretty common idiom in C++ due to the lack of trivial relocation. Now this fails to compile, because the construction of S as moved into the Holder constructor.

template <class T>
struct Holder {
  template <std::convertible_to<T> U>
  Holder(U&& u) {
    // error: call to consteval function 'S::S' is not a constant expression

void f() {

And again, there's no way for f() to determine that it can't construct Holder in this way. There's no way for Holder to provide a different constructor overload for runtime instead of compile time.

Thus my very modern and clever type S with its use of consteval can not integrate into any code that contains non-constexpr functions. And not because S isn't usable in a runtime context, but because the language is not expressive enough to expose the consteval requirement in a dynamic way, or to provide alternate paths. We could use std::is_constant_evaluated() to use a run-time constructor if we could tell that something is runtime-constructible but not compile-time-constructible.

Not that I am wishing for yet even more constructible type traits. The situation with constant evaluation in C++ is... complicated. I'd take procedural macros instead any day. I kind of just want consteval to be something you can overload on with non-constexpr (but not with constexpr), so that you can provide a compile-time path and a run-time path. But then I'd want to = delete the runtime one sometimes and there'd still be no way to see that in type_traits.

I am going to stop using consteval for now.

danakj commented 1 year ago

Here's the specific code that works without consteval:

TEST(Successors, Example) {
  auto powers_of_10 = sus::iter::Successors<u16>::with(
      sus::some(1_u16), [](const u16& n) { return n.checked_mul(10_u16); });
      sus::move(powers_of_10).collect<Vec<u16>>() ==
      sus::Vec<u16>::with_values(1_u16, 10_u16, 100_u16, 1000_u16, 10000_u16));

And here's what I want it to look like, using consteval constructors to reject invalid values at compile time:

TEST(Successors, Example) {
  auto powers_of_10 = sus::iter::Successors<u16>::with(
      sus::some(1), [](const u16& n) { return n.checked_mul(10); });
      sus::move(powers_of_10).collect<Vec<u16>>() ==
      sus::Vec<u16>::with_values(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000));

Unfortunately some() holds an int&& and its constexpr operator Option<i16>() fails to compile constructing the i16 from the int&&.

And Vec<u16> takes variadic args Ts&&... which are convertible_to<u16> except they are not when the function runs and it fails to compile.