chromiumembedded / cef

Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). A simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications.
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An crush bug when click "save as " menu item when opening an pdf file(Windows10) #3722

Open cmf41013 opened 3 days ago

cmf41013 commented 3 days ago

Describe the bug Open an pdf file using cefclient.exe, right click in the pdf viewer area , in the popup menu, click "save as " item, what ever cancel or save file , the the process crushed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. start up 'cefclient.exe' process.
  2. write an local pdf file path in the navigator edit and open it
  3. right click in the pdf file viewer area,click the popup menu item "Save as"
  4. cancel the safe file dialog, or put in an new file path.
  5. the process become no respoding and then crushed.

Expected behavior correctly cancel or save the pdf file wnen click "Save as " item.

Screenshots image image save_as_error

Versions (please complete the following information):

Additional context Does the problem reproduce with the cefclient or cefsimple sample application at the same version? yes , I can reproduce it very time with the cefclient in many cef versions, any versions in branch 6312 to 6478, may be much more versions.

Does the problem reproduce with Google Chrome at the same version? no

Add any other context about the problem here. would you mind telling me which version will fix it ?

cmf41013 commented 2 days ago

the version[cef_binary_123.0.12+gb15e34c+chromium-123.0.6312.107_windows32.tar] is ok. please check it in [cef_binary_126.2.7+g300bb05+chromium-126.0.6478.115_windows32.tar] version.

magreenblatt commented 2 days ago

This may be the same as #3720. Please try the 126.2.9 build which includes the fix.