Alright, this is a kinda weird problem, probably somehow on my end? (I suppose), but I couldn't find a solution at all.
I am trying to integrate CEF Browser in to an older C++ MMORPG, compiling as 32 bit application, Visual Studio 2017 and ISO C++17 Standard (/std:c++17).
I just included these 3 CEF files:
include "include/cef_app.h"
include "include/cef_browser.h"
include "include/cef_client.h"
And i instantly get these errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
Error (active) E0952 a nontype template parameter may not have class type \include\CEF\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 167
Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed \include\CEF\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 167
Error C2993 'dword': illegal type for non-type template parameter 'ptr' \include\cef\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 167
Error C2146 syntax error: missing '>' before identifier 'ptr' \include\cef\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 168
Error C2187 syntax error: 'identifier' was unexpected here \include\cef\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 168
I have also tried building CEF myself, but get the same errors in the end.
When i am trying to integrate a CEF Standard Application, it technically works fine, I don't get errors at all besides the errors i mentioned in my problem. So If i somehow manage to fix these, it should run. I tried all kinds of ChatGPT solutions, because I couldn't find this specific CEF problem anywhere, but everything failed yet.
Anyone has an idea what could cause the conflict with the cef_ptr.h?
The game has a StdH.h include which needs to be at the top with the following content:
Alright, this is a kinda weird problem, probably somehow on my end? (I suppose), but I couldn't find a solution at all.
I am trying to integrate CEF Browser in to an older C++ MMORPG, compiling as 32 bit application, Visual Studio 2017 and ISO C++17 Standard (/std:c++17).
I just included these 3 CEF files:
include "include/cef_app.h"
include "include/cef_browser.h"
include "include/cef_client.h"
And i instantly get these errors: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details Error (active) E0952 a nontype template parameter may not have class type \include\CEF\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 167
Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed \include\CEF\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 167
Error C2993 'dword': illegal type for non-type template parameter 'ptr' \include\cef\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 167
Error C2146 syntax error: missing '>' before identifier 'ptr' \include\cef\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 168
Error C2187 syntax error: 'identifier' was unexpected here \include\cef\include\internal\cef_ptr.h 168
I have also tried building CEF myself, but get the same errors in the end.
When i am trying to integrate a CEF Standard Application, it technically works fine, I don't get errors at all besides the errors i mentioned in my problem. So If i somehow manage to fix these, it should run. I tried all kinds of ChatGPT solutions, because I couldn't find this specific CEF problem anywhere, but everything failed yet.
Anyone has an idea what could cause the conflict with the cef_ptr.h?
The game has a StdH.h include which needs to be at the top with the following content:
And the following preprocessor definitions: _USE_32BIT_TIME_T;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_WINDLL;_AFXDLL;_USRDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
Versions (please complete the following information):