chronark / envshare

Share Environnment Variables Securely
MIT License
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Documentation #20

Open chukwumaokere opened 1 year ago

chukwumaokere commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking of starting the documentation for EnvShare ( or that'll host information pertaining to the service. It will have 1) A little more indepth information on how the front end client works/how data is stored 2) A bit more insight to the cryptography flow used to help garner trust for anyone using the service 3) Information for the CLI (coming soon) when it launches 4) Information about the API (with the caveat of not using it to share unencrypted secrets) so people can create their own clients that utilize the API 5) Changelogs so people can keep up to date with additions/modifications to changes in API/CLI

Any other thoughts/ideas? I tend to use mintlify/docusaurus for documentation so it can be easily hosted on Vercel or GH Pages.

chronark commented 1 year ago

I'd prefer /docs, for no good reason other than Personal preference.

I'm not a huge fan of docusaurus tbh and I'd prefer nextra as it integrates nicely into the nextjs app.

There's a nextjs13 compatible repo/guide by

I'll have to check out mintlify

chronark commented 1 year ago

But either way it'll be markdown I suppose, so we can start on content. Your suggestions make a lot of sense, let's do those first and then see what's missing

chukwumaokere commented 1 year ago

I'll check out nextra, it does seem like it integrates nicer with Next13 (and yeah content is the most important) I prefer MDX content as well especially for Storybook/Docs!

chronark commented 1 year ago

If you want I can setup the docs and you start on actual content

chukwumaokere commented 1 year ago

That'll work for me! I have a notion doc where I'm working on the content, I havent had the time to spin up the actual doc implementation so if you can get it up, I'll fill it out

chukwumaokere commented 1 year ago

This Notion doc I have is a running list of the content that the documentation will have:

Feel free to leave comments (I was going to allow it to be editable but the problem is that this gh issue is publicly viewable and I worry about people finding it and editing the notion doc 😂 )