chronicles-mud / chronicles

ROM 2.4b6 with a few additional features
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Classes #5

Open sansthesis opened 8 years ago

sansthesis commented 8 years ago

Stock code has 4 classes:

What other classes should we add?

How will we balance them?

What makes them unique and interesting?

Will they be restricted by race or alignment?

XTremeTennis commented 8 years ago

ranger, druid, bard, and paladin are four classes I'm interested in. Some vague ideas on how to work them;

Paladin would have group affecting aura buffs, lay on hands, and some limited healing/damage spells and in return lose out on some of the higher level attack skills, i also don't think they should be able to dual wield.

Druid would have fire/ice/lightning damage spells, entangle and poison as debuffs, bark skin and giant strength as buffs, and regeneration instead of true healing

Ranger would focus on archery and dual wielding as combat types, question is if you want to have rangers be casters or not, skills like flame arrow, and stuff like traps would be cool to have

Bard would have group affecting spells in a limited quantity, things like charm, bless (or something similar) and then a combat skill selection that is more robust than cleric but less robust than thief

XTremeTennis commented 8 years ago

Druid Spells idea

Category Fire Frost Shocking
Single Target Burning Hands Ray of Frost Lightning Bolt
AOE Fireball Cone of Cold Chain Lightning
Shield Flameshield Frostshield Shockshield


Spell Note
Regeneration Increases your heal rate over a duration of time significantly
Refresh Heals moves
Cure Poison Cures poison


Spell Notes
Bless Bonus to hitroll and maybe saves
Bark Skin Damage Reduction
Invisibility Turns target invisible
Fly Makes target fly
Detect Invis Detects invisible things
Giant Strength Increases strength


Spell Notes
Poison damage over time
Dispel Magic Removes buffs
Entangle entangles

Animal Companion: I think druids should be able to summon an animal companion (maybe something like level * 10 hp or something) and then maybe have some spells that can only affect their companion, things that either give the companion more armor or better attacks, and exchange you remove charm from druids.

XTremeTennis commented 8 years ago

Paladin ideas

Auras (only can have one active at a time, affect everyone in the Paladins group)

Aura Notes
Aura of Might Increases damage done
Aura of Protection Increases armor/damage resistance
Aura of Resistance Increases elemental resistance
Aura of Accuracy Increases chance to hit, maybe critical %?

Healing, clerics cure spell at a 75% cast rate or something, maybe also remove curse

Lay on Hands, provides healing and possibly a spellup to like aligned characters, deals damage to opposite aligned characters

Damage spells: divine weapon? buff cast on a weapon that adds stuff to it temporarily?

XTremeTennis commented 8 years ago

Bard ideas;

1st through 3rd attack, but no high end combat skills like critical or counter

mass bless, mass charm, maybe mass cure?, mass weaken, mass haste? mass slow?

XTremeTennis commented 8 years ago

ranger ideas;

archery and dual wielding, so maybe not even give them access to shield block?

archery skills or spells like mutlishot, flame arrow, poison arrow

trap skills so they can lay entangle or other kinds of traps down

more limited version of animal companion? Maybe can get the same animal companion as a druid, but cant spell it up like druids can?

I think there is some appeal for totally non-caster rangers, and just put most of what they do spell wise into skills, traps for some of the spells, poisoned or enflamed arrows dont have to be magical

sansthesis commented 8 years ago

I think that druids and paladins should have access to the cleric's "cure" spell at full strength, but not get "heal". This would keep their healing abilities strictly weaker, and still let a druid be able to heal themselves without waiting for regeneration ticks.

Instead of making the paladin abilities be permanent buffs like diablo 2, they should just be spells that affect everyone in their group once cast. Their divine weapon could be alignment based like a cleric's "purge" spell, where it does more damage to different alignments and little to no extra damage on the same alignment.

Rangers, I'm not sure about making a class focused on ranged combat. Maybe if they could easily add elemental damage to their attacks, like a mixture between druid and warrior? And give them poison?

Bard I think we're on the same page and I'll come up with a spell list shortly.

sansthesis commented 8 years ago


Target Spell Notes
Friendly Bless Bonus to hitroll and maybe saves
Friendly Invisibility Turns group invisible
Friendly Giant Strength Increases strength
Friendly Haste Increases dexterity and attacks per round
Friendly Fly Don't have to walk anymore
Unfriendly Charm Puts mobs into your group
Unfriendly Silence Unable to cast magic
Unfriendly Confusion Lowers intelligence and makes movement random

I like taking some spells from each of cleric's and mage's lists but it might be a little too OP.

sansthesis commented 8 years ago

It might be worth it to make new issues for each class so we can have directed conversations about them.

XTremeTennis commented 8 years ago

I didnt necessarily think that the paladin aura stuff had to be always on diablo style, but I kind of also figured it might be interesting if you could only have one on at a time, maybe it would allow us to make them more powerful than they would be otherwise. I think regeneration is an interesting idea, but I havent really thought about it much further then that, so maybe your idea is for the best. Or maybe both. yeah, idk about ranger, I was just spitballing