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功能请求:发送合并转发消息 #5

Closed ilharp closed 1 year ago

ilharp commented 1 year ago

当前 Chronocat 不支持发送合并转发消息,希望支持此功能。

Hieuzest commented 1 year ago

it might be impossible to create fake messages previous impls

std-microblock commented 1 year ago

it might be impossible to create fake messages previous impls

AFAIK it could only be implemented in native side

std-microblock commented 1 year ago

It's also not easy though, they used a ton of unknown structures rather than STL things. Also, there are pointer pointed to a pointer pointed to a pointer pointed to...., all with many messy offsets.

std-microblock commented 1 year ago

The feasibility of fake message multi-message forward in QQNT is proved by Lagrange.Core here

std-microblock commented 1 year ago

I've approached sending the fake multi-message forward manually through native hooks, but I don't have enough time to make it practically usable in the production environment.

All addresses below are related to wrapper.node+0x180000000, with QQNT 9.9.2-16183 x64.

It basically has these approaches:

Some information:

QQNT uses RC really heavily. Here's the (inaccurate and uncompleted) definition of memory span of it.

(see the Chinese part for the updated version)

(The correction is not guaranteed for this, you'd better take a look at RC_USE(0x1812f4fe0) and some RC_FREE like code (for example 0x1812f4fe0, in buildSingleMsg) yourself, don't trust me :P)

QQNT loves virtual methods. All data can and only can (seemingly) be retrieved by virtual methods conveniently.

If there's nobody really hurry about this, we can wait until I have time to implement this(that would be a long time to wait). If there is, the info above can be used :)

ChatGPT 机翻


以下所有地址都与 wrapper.node+0x180000000 有关,带 QQNT 9.9.2-16183 x64。



QQNT 在使用 RC 时非常频繁。这是它的(不准确和未完成的)内存跨度定义。

struct RcInfo {
    int64_t unknown; // 0x0 | 函数,不知道干什么用的
    int32_t refCount; // 0x8
    int32_t unknown2;

struct Rc {
    void* destructor; // 指针被假设为8位 | 0x0 | 函数定义:int64_t destruct(Rc* rc)
    void* unknown;
    void* unknown2;
    void* pointer; // 0x18
    RcInfo* data; // 0x20

// RC_USE 的返回值:RcUseRes*
struct RcUseRes {
    void* rawPointer;
    RcInfo* info;

(对于这个定义不一定是正确的,最好查看 RC_USE(0x1812f4fe0) 和一些 RC_FREE 类似的代码(例如 0x1812f4fe0,在 buildSingleMsg 中)自己查看,不要相信我 :P)

QQNT 非常喜欢虚拟方法。所有的数据只能通过虚拟方法方便地检索。

如果没有人真的急于这个问题,我们可以等到我有时间实现它(那需要很长时间)。如果有急需的话,上述信息可以被使用 :)

cc @ilharp

std-microblock commented 1 year ago

I've completed it. Everything's ready except the native layer monorepo to initialize. As I know nothing about monorepo, @ilharp

std-microblock commented 1 year ago

Native part's ready now.