chronosacaria / MCDungeonsWeapons

Bringing the weapons and tools of Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
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forge mcdw does not want to load #254

Closed VilligerKing closed 5 months ago

VilligerKing commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug; What happened?

mcdw forge does not want to load on forge

Expected Behavior

loadng, but loadnt

Mod Version


Minecraft Launcher


Operating System




Additional context



crash report: crash-2023-12-22_02.54.05-client.txt

chronosacaria commented 6 months ago

@VilligerKing Do not provide a zip. Provide an actual list of mods, please. It doesn't appear that you have all of the required dependencies that are listed on the mod pages, however. Make sure you have all of the requirements

VilligerKing commented 6 months ago

----Forgified Fabric API additional structures advancement plaques alexs mobs apple skin aquamirae Architectury API Artifacts Athena Bagus Lib Balm (Forge Edition) Better Combat [Fabric & Forge] Better McDonald's Mod Better Smithing Table Better Villages - Forge Biomes O' Plenty Bookshelf Carry On Chipped Chisels & Bits - For Forge Christmas Festivity Citadel Cloth Config API Clumps Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) ----Connector Extras Continents Controlling Corail Tombstone Cosmetic Armor Reworked Create Create : Misc & Things Create : Teleporters! Create Big Cannons Create Central Kitchen Create Compact Exp Create Compressed Create Confectionery Create Crafts & Additions Create Deco Create Decoration Casing Create Encased Create Enchantment Industry Create Recycle Everything Create Sabers Create Stuff & Additions Create: Balanced Flight (Angel Ring) Create: Bells & Whistles Create: Broken Bad Create: christmass Create: Extended Cogwheels Create: Interiors Create: Steam 'n' Rails Creeper Overhaul Cristel Lib Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) Deeper and Darker Dungeon Crawl Enchantment Descriptions End Remastered Even Better Amethyst [Forge] Explorify – Dungeons & Structures Fantasy's Dice Fantasy's Furniture Fast Leaf Decay Framework GeckoLib Goblin Traders Hunter'sReturn Iceberg [Forge] Iron Chests Jolly Boxes Just Enough Items (JEI) Just Enough Professions (JEP) Just Enough Resources (JER) Kiwi 🥝 (Forge) Legendary Tooltips [Forge] Library Ferret - Forge Lootr (Forge) Macaw's Lights and Lamps Macaw's Trapdoors Mahou Tsukai Maiden's Merrymaking - A Minecraft C MC Dungeons Weapons Medieval Music[Forge/Fabric] MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dum Moonlight Lib Mouse Tweaks MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Obscure API (Forge) Paragliders playerAnimator Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Prism [Forge] Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/For Resourceful Config Resourceful Lib Searchables Simple Weapons for Better Combat ----Sinytra Connector Snow Pig [Forge] Snow Under Trees Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Forge) Snowy Spirit Sophisticated Backpacks Sophisticated Core Supplementaries Tarot Cards TerraBlender (Forge) The Aether The One Probe The Twilight Forest Towers of the Wild Modded Towers of the Wild: Additions Towns and Towers Traveler's Titles (Forge) Voidscape Waystones Xaero's Minimap Xaero's World Map YUNG's API (Forge) YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Forg YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) YUNG's Better End Island (Forge) YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Fo YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Fo YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Forge) YUNG's Bridges (Forge) YUNG's Extras (Forge)

i have all 3 mods that were stated in the announcements channel that are needed

forge version is 47.2.0

VilligerKing commented 6 months ago

also another note, the error message when the mc launcher pops up specifically mentions mcdw, so i dont think its any other mods

VilligerKing commented 6 months ago

@chronosacaria ive found out it is the Clumps mod that makes it not want to load, i have modpack where it is just clumps, MCDW, cloth config api, connector extras, forgified and sinytra connector and it wont load the game, giving me the same error message

chronosacaria commented 6 months ago

@VilligerKing Just checking, are you using the Forge or Fabric version of Clumps?

PvtFudgepants commented 6 months ago

I was having the same issue. Switching to the fabric version of Clumps fixed it and allowed me to load the game.

chronosacaria commented 5 months ago

Since the most common issue that people are having has been resolved, I'm going to close this issue with a notice on how to fix that issue:

If you are crashing whilst using MCDW on Forge, check the following: