It seems the serialization is panicking in the case of a struct containing a nested field. Not sure whether this feature is supported or not, or is there anything that needs to be done on the .fbe file as nothing is mentioned on the docs
fbe file definition:
package proto
struct NestedTest
NestedTest? nested;
The command used for building go source files:
fbec --input=nested.fbe --output=. --go --final --proto --json
Go code for serialization:
cnt := filespb.NewNestedTest()
writer := filespb.NewNestedTestFinalModel(fbe.NewEmptyBuffer())
if _, err := writer.Serialize(cnt); err != nil {
panic("serialization error")
if ok := writer.Verify(); !ok {
panic("verify error")
It seems the serialization is panicking in the case of a struct containing a nested field. Not sure whether this feature is supported or not, or is there anything that needs to be done on the .fbe file as nothing is mentioned on the docs
file definition:The command used for building go source files:
fbec --input=nested.fbe --output=. --go --final --proto --json
Go code for serialization:
panic trace: