Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
I plan to have an Android based version of Open-IG, but it won't be an exact
port: apart from the model, simulation and AI, everything else will be invented
from scratch. This may reach more devices (not just Samsung Bada devices).
I'm not familiar with Bada development. Does it have an emulator for PC to try
things out? How do you distribute a Bada software?
For the Java development, I can't really offload any development tasks right
now. Most remaining things to do is to complete the bridge and diplomacy
screen, add some convenience capabilities to existing screens. The only thing I
can use some help with is testing.
Original comment by
on 20 Dec 2011 at 9:09
first of all thanks for reply.
I have developed for the commercial mobile OSes (I was a mobile developer for
an medium enterprise in my previous job and I can use Android port on my phone
other than AVD) so if you have the same idea, I can help.
Bada main distribution channel is the Samsung Apps store. However, there is a
way to install app without having to be on the store.
For testing apps, there is a simulator and the free remote device lab (http:// like other platforms.
No problem with the testing. I have the original game (IG1 was my first game :)
)too if comparision is needed.
Original comment by
on 20 Dec 2011 at 9:17
If you have experience with small screens and touch controls, maybe you could
design the UI for the mobile version. It's a complicated task:
- fit information on a smaller screen
- touch-drag, click and double click
- buttons, lists
- use some of the graphics of IG
- how to put the videos onto the device (currently 1,1GB)? Maybe have
comic-style cutouts of the original videos along with higly compressed sound
Original comment by
on 21 Dec 2011 at 11:25
I am doing a try-out on porting the code for the Bada platform so, after
porting the Java code, I can use my device for testing the UI.
Well, for the issues you have listed, the main "pain" is the first: fit the
touch-drag, tap and double tapping is already handled by the platform of the
(indeed, they have already a event generator for such operation).
Framework offers their own style button and lists but they permit to override
the method who handle its layout, like the onPaint on Java (for istance, bada
onDraw) and the drawing is canvas (like the Graphics2D) based. Well, afaik,
naturally it misses of composite paint setting, but there are bitmap merging
libraries for mixing bitmaps in order to simulate composition.
It permits so to use an image format and operate pixel-by-pixel so it is not a
problem to use original graphics, as long as the parser is built.
For the video and images, well, I was thinking for now, to lower the
resolution/dpi for the png imaes, optimizing them with optipng or similar
utility in order to match top gamma device resolution...resize is supported for
lower devices but at least they don't eat up device space.
Video, same thing. Framework provides multimedia player class and smartphone
oses (Bada included) support both the RIFF Wave and the Vorbis Ogg usage
natively so it could play them.
The main fight is so the first point. I was thinking for now for rapid
developing to adapt buttons resolution for the menu and option but for the game
field use the original size and use a scroll method. Yeah, I know it is against
any law of gameplay comfort but I need to be sure I see it on my device to
think how I can adapt it at the best and suddivide screen and form.
Original comment by
on 21 Dec 2011 at 11:49
(I'll do my own tryout during my holyday from job (first week of January) and
I'll post the result)
Original comment by
on 22 Dec 2011 at 7:50
I have done a private subversion on Assembla for the Bada porting project so
you can see the progress yet not making it visible to everybody yet. Still long
way to port it completely but a little step at time...
It's private so I need an Assembla account if you want to follow the progress.
If you have one, could you e-mail it to me? just add mbo after the Lo and
before the 'at'.
I'll post the screenshots / videos also the private space.
Original comment by
on 26 Dec 2011 at 5:45
Will be closed for now due:
- Technical difficulties
- Lack of time
- Lack of interest
Original comment by
on 27 Aug 2013 at 3:34
Original issue reported on by
on 20 Dec 2011 at 8:52