chrysn / aiocoap

The Python CoAP library
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'An error occurred: [WinError 1168] Element not found' after multiple get requests #317

Open choppr opened 10 months ago

choppr commented 10 months ago
Python version: 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May  3 2021, 11:48:03) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
aiocoap version: 0.4.7
Modules missing for subsystems:
    dtls: missing DTLSSocket
    oscore: missing cbor2, cryptography, ge25519
    linkheader: everything there
    prettyprint: missing cbor2, termcolor
Python platform: win32
Default server transports:  tcpserver:tcpclient:tlsserver:tlsclient:simple6:simplesocketserver
Selected server transports: tcpserver:tcpclient:tlsserver:tlsclient:simple6:simplesocketserver
Default client transports:  tcpclient:tlsclient:simple6
Selected client transports: tcpclient:tlsclient:simple6
SO_REUSEPORT available (default, selected): False, False

I have a loop to send a coap_get_request like so

    loop.run_until_complete(coap_get_request(ip_addr, port, resource))

I can successfully receive the payload, but always after 149 requests I get this error message:

An error occurred: [WinError 1168] Element not found

Any Ideas on how to further debug this issue?