here some tips to use banks and .ini files why ? because gta sa has 211 vehicles man and your sound bank has at least 18MB
each or more how big will be all car sound in modloader ?
Car: 1
+---Skyline R34
+---elegy.txd #this is the renamed >>>I dont have this bank so no idea How much size is
+---elegy.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic
+---Skyline R34
+---Jester.txd #this is the renamed >>>53MB+
+---Jester.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic
+---Skyline R34
+---Uranus.txd #this is the renamed >>Size 18MB+
+---Uranus.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic
+---Skyline R34
+---Uranus.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic >> just use Uranus.ini settings for each cars bank just copy name. bank is already in modloader
as you can see and you know it here below setting it using banks already so no need above Separate banks
+---Skyline R34
+---Jester.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic >> just use Jester.ini settings for each cars bank just copy name. bank is already in modloader
as you can see and you know it here below setting it using banks already so no need above Separate banks
so on. this way you save whole giant data at once man
for bikes i use high rpms settings and for trucks i use low rpms done no need many banks or sounds choose best one and play with rpms settings
man this take a look
RPMParameter = rpms // This i dont get it if no one can't set it and why you keep it here ?
ThrottleParameter = throttle //same here idk what is this and it makes no sense so better remove it set it from internal
Setting Sounds
EngineStartVolume = 0.8 //0.0 to 3.0 if possible need start sound every car has its own sound for start idk why you miss that
EngineVolume = 0.7 //0.0 to 3.0
BackFireVolume = 0.8 //0.0 to 3.0 some people like backfires and some dont but i like it :)
MinRPM = 1000 //ok
MaxRPM = 8000 // But lock this max rpm (Should not go further than that 8000 rpms that is max if 12000 its should go max to 12000 no more than that if 5000 max go 5000 not more than that now its not locked 2000% sure) i know (i have map its high up when i go down from that map its Rpms i can hear like 12000 rpms)
and here this settings
StartEngineSound = 1 //0 is no need
RPMAcceleration = 50 //Min to max works ok
RPMDeceleration = 100 //max to min works ok
GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s // but what is this ? it dont do anything man trust me its about road and vehicle handling settings how long it takes
and this GTAFmodDashboard.SA.asi
its useless man now i need it to make manual gear system when i press F8 F7 it crash game
if 0AA2: 10@ = load_library "GTAFmod.SA.asi"
if 0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "Ext_GetCurrentRPM" library 10@ //Crashing game i think you already removed it
0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 0 pop 0 _Return 1@
here some tips to use banks and .ini files why ? because gta sa has 211 vehicles man and your sound bank has at least 18MB each or more how big will be all car sound in modloader ?
its simple but usefull if you see below
yours idea is
Car: 1 Modloader +---GTAFmod +---Skyline R34 +---elegy.dff +---elegy.txd #this is the renamed >>>I dont have this bank so no idea How much size is +---elegy.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic elegy.ini
[Event] EngineExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_nissan_skyline_r34/engine_ext BackfireExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_nissan_skyline_r34/backfire_ext GearExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_nissan_skyline_r34/gear_ext
[Parameter] RPMParameter = rpms ThrottleParameter = throttle
[Audio] MinRPM = 1000 MaxRPM = 8500 RPMAcceleration = 50 RPMDeceleration = 100 GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s
Car: 2
Modloader +---GTAFmod +---Skyline R34 +---Jester.dff +---Jester.txd #this is the renamed >>>53MB+ +---Jester.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic Jester.ini
[Event] EngineExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_ferrari_812_superfast/engine_ext BackfireExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_ferrari_812_superfast/backfire_ext GearExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_ferrari_812_superfast/gear_ext
[Parameter] RPMParameter = rpms ThrottleParameter = throttle
[Audio] MinRPM = 1000 MaxRPM = 8000 RPMAcceleration = 50 RPMDeceleration = 100 GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s
Car: 3
Modloader +---GTAFmod +---Skyline R34 +---Uranus.dff +---Uranus.txd #this is the renamed >>Size 18MB+ +---Uranus.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic Uranus.ini
[Event] EngineExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r/engine_ext BackfireExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r/backfire_ext GearExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r/gear_ext
[Parameter] RPMParameter = rpms ThrottleParameter = throttle
[Audio] MinRPM = 1000 MaxRPM = 8000 RPMAcceleration = 50 RPMDeceleration = 100 GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s
this is just 3 cars and size is like 100MB+ rest all cars ? its will be a big giant size man with all cars
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// My idea is
7 to 8 bank is enough man for gta sa max is 10 bannks ok put all banks in bank folder and for car setting do like this
In modloader Banks inside folder
Car: 1
Modloader +---GTAFmod +---Skyline R34 +---Uranus.dff +---Uranus.txd +---Uranus.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic >> just use Uranus.ini settings for each cars bank just copy name. bank is already in modloader
as you can see and you know it here below setting it using banks already so no need above Separate banks
[Event] EngineExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r/engine_ext BackfireExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r/backfire_ext GearExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r/gear_ext
[Parameter] RPMParameter = rpms ThrottleParameter = throttle
[Audio] MinRPM = 1000 MaxRPM = 8000 RPMAcceleration = 50 RPMDeceleration = 100 GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s
car: 2
Modloader +---GTAFmod +---Skyline R34 +---Jester.dff +---Jester.txd +---Jester.ini #create this file, explanation in the next topic >> just use Jester.ini settings for each cars bank just copy name. bank is already in modloader Jester.ini
as you can see and you know it here below setting it using banks already so no need above Separate banks
[Event] EngineExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_ferrari_812_superfast/engine_ext BackfireExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_ferrari_812_superfast/backfire_ext GearExtEvent = event:/cars/ks_ferrari_812_superfast/gear_ext
[Parameter] RPMParameter = rpms ThrottleParameter = throttle
[Audio] MinRPM = 1000 MaxRPM = 8000 RPMAcceleration = 50 RPMDeceleration = 100 GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s
so on. this way you save whole giant data at once man for bikes i use high rpms settings and for trucks i use low rpms done no need many banks or sounds choose best one and play with rpms settings
man this take a look
[Parameter] RPMParameter = rpms // This i dont get it if no one can't set it and why you keep it here ? ThrottleParameter = throttle //same here idk what is this and it makes no sense so better remove it set it from internal
Setting Sounds
[Audio] EngineStartVolume = 0.8 //0.0 to 3.0 if possible need start sound every car has its own sound for start idk why you miss that EngineVolume = 0.7 //0.0 to 3.0 BackFireVolume = 0.8 //0.0 to 3.0 some people like backfires and some dont but i like it :) MinRPM = 1000 //ok MaxRPM = 8000 // But lock this max rpm (Should not go further than that 8000 rpms that is max if 12000 its should go max to 12000 no more than that if 5000 max go 5000 not more than that now its not locked 2000% sure) i know (i have map its high up when i go down from that map its Rpms i can hear like 12000 rpms)
and here this settings
StartEngineSound = 1 //0 is no need RPMAcceleration = 50 //Min to max works ok RPMDeceleration = 100 //max to min works ok GearTime = 1000; 1000ms = 1s // but what is this ? it dont do anything man trust me its about road and vehicle handling settings how long it takes
and this GTAFmodDashboard.SA.asi its useless man now i need it to make manual gear system when i press F8 F7 it crash game and
if 0AA2: 10@ = load_library "GTAFmod.SA.asi" then
if 0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "Ext_GetCurrentRPM" library 10@ //Crashing game i think you already removed it then
0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 0 pop 0 _Return 1@ end end