chtaylo2 / Roku-GooglePhotos

Roku-GooglePhotos (
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Cannot use Shared Albums as Screensaver #404

Closed Robbbb closed 2 years ago

Robbbb commented 2 years ago

I cannot use a shared album as the source for a screensaver. It would be great to be able to, so that the screensaver could automatically include new photos as they are contributed.

As it stands, I have to copy all the photos from a shared album into a personal one, but this is not a solution since I have to do it again each time new photos are added by a friend.

chtaylo2 commented 2 years ago

Yes, you can. The channel supports specific personal albums and/or shared. See here:

Robbbb commented 2 years ago

Hey Chris! Thanks for your prompt reply. You are of course correct, thanks for the help, and for the amazing app.

If it is helpful, this is how I came under the impression what I wanted was impossible: My google account in question only has a album share with it, and has no albums of its own. When I initially booted up the screensaver, it said no photos found. I did not know that there were specific screensaver settings available in the complex Roku Settings > Theme > Screensaver > PhotoView etc interface.

From a UI perspective, I wonder if it would be possible to include a screensaver settings item inside of PhotoView, or perhaps a note explaining how to get to the screensaver settings menu, seeing as to me the screensaver settings lacked obvious discoverability.