chtaylo2 / Roku-GooglePhotos

Roku-GooglePhotos (
MIT License
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Show more of filename, future Android app? #410

Open mmlmrx opened 2 years ago

mmlmrx commented 2 years ago

I love this app! It does a great job and has smart options.

Thank you for adding the option to display the date/name on the screensaver. Could it be tweaked slightly to display them on separate lines? Or maybe show more characters of the filename? A lot of my images are landcapes and named like "Castle Blah, London, England", so very few of them fit in the currently displayed character limit.

Larger question - have you considered branching this app out to Android and/or Windows? There used to be a Google Photos screensaver on Windows, but I think Google killed it long ago. And there isn't a good photo frame widget on Android either - even the official Google Photos app only displays a frame of memories. I'm sure how much of the code would be able to reusable across platforms though.
