chtaylo2 / Roku-GooglePhotos

Roku-GooglePhotos (
MIT License
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Won't let me register #429

Closed Mimilikestreats closed 1 year ago

Mimilikestreats commented 1 year ago

I downloaded the app on my Roku but it won't let me register. The code pops up but times out too fast for me to key it into the website. Error - Json error response: [onCheckAuth] Invalid code It literally is valid for only a few seconds before it times out and gives me that message. When I click on Get a New Code it just does the same exact thing over and over. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

salmoidforwork commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. Keep getting Error - Json error response: [onCheckAuth] Invalid code

chtaylo2 commented 1 year ago

Try now. Looks like was some issues with the linkage API. Should be good now.