chtaylo2 / Roku-GooglePhotos

Roku-GooglePhotos (
MIT License
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Videos #432

Closed Royallenmoore closed 1 year ago

Royallenmoore commented 1 year ago

Can not play videos made on canon zoom monocular. Only plays ones from moto g power 2021.

chtaylo2 commented 1 year ago

When a video is initially uploaded Google does some unknown, backend processing on their side. The problem is, when Google Photos moved their API from Picasa to Google Photos API (, they removed all documented ability to stream a movie. Yes, everything.

The only way (some of) your videos are able to stream today is a by using an undocumented workaround we were able to find. By adding an additional parameter to the URL, the video streams vs downloads.


Unfortunately, I have no idea how long this will continue to work, but it's been a couple years, so i'm hopeful it's here to stay.

It's possible the format uploaded by Canon is not supported. I believe they only support standard, mp4, similar.

Thanks, Chris