chtaylo2 / Roku-GooglePhotos

Roku-GooglePhotos (
MIT License
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Partial album display #444

Open scottLstones opened 1 year ago

scottLstones commented 1 year ago

I created a new album on Google of 300+ photos. When I view on my phone, all photos are available. When I view the same album on Photo View, only about half the album's photos show. It's not displaying about half of the photos on the new album.

scottLstones commented 1 year ago

I've used Photo View for over 2 years, but now it's a f***ing nightmare. As soon as I add PHOTO NUMBER ONE HUNDRED AND ONE to an album, it repeats rows of photos that were already previously in the album.

So now I have 17 rows of 5 photos per row as they should be displayed, but then, row 18 displays photos in row 2 again, and it continues in order. Before I open the album, it says there's currently 88 photos in the album, which is correct. But when the album is opened, it reads "Media Items 1 - 171 of 88" which includes multiples of the same photos. This is ridiculous!

There's also a completely different album that Photo View won't open and I get bounced out of the app.

Until days ago, I loved this app. Now it's the worst thing I've ever seen. Is someone going to help me or does your company just keep your fingers crossed that no one ever has issues?

chtaylo2 commented 1 year ago

“Company”, are you serious? I’m a sole developer that gives this app to really pleasant people like you, free of charge. Now, if you would like to reframe your question and not be a total asshole, maybe I’ll try to help.

scottLstones commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I've twice thought I had the problem fixed and each time it ended up more out of the normal function. I don't understand why this suddenly became full of bugs and if I did I think I could rectify it.

petermpls commented 1 year ago

I am having the same issue. Are things working ok if the album has less than 100 photos? @chtaylo2 Happy to try some things to help you debug.