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Missing French translations #324

Open iago-lito opened 5 years ago

iago-lito commented 5 years ago

Today I can read, in the french translation:

      .-.      Pluie forte à modérée avec tonerre par endroit
     (   ).    24..26 °C      
    (___(__)   ↙ 19 km/h      
   ‚‘⚡‘‚⚡‚‘  10 km          
   ‚’‚’⚡’‚’   1.8 mm 

Pluie forte à modérée translates as something like "rain ranging from strong to moderate". Does this have a different meaning than "moderate to strong"?

If yes, where do I find information about this kind of subtle meteorological semantics?

If not, then it's just a matter of style, and "moderate to strong" sounds more idiomatic to me. I'd be happy to rephrase it if it's much work to you :)

chubin commented 4 years ago

@iago-lito Thank you very much for pointing at it. The problem here is that the translation (in case of French) is not ours, but comes from the data source. To have it under our control, we need to add full-fledged support of French to here:

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

Okay great. I'll have a look at it :)

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

Sorry for bumping, but I'm not sure I've understood what you meant with

we need to add full-fledged support of French to

Were you suggesting to open a PR with a new fr.txt? (this I did with #330) Or were you suggesting to wait until something was done on your side?

I am doubting because #359 suggests that adding translations doesn't usually take more than 3 months :P

chubin commented 4 years ago

@iago-lito Sorry for delay; I've just merged it. Let us check it live:


Does it look good to you? Are you ready for (curl

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

No worries, thank you :)

It looks good on my side, except that phrasing is longer in French, resulting in that the squares in v1 are sometimes too small to display the whole information. I can see that has the same problem with German phrasing. But maybe there's a user option to widen this area on a per-terminal basis? too narrow

Are you ready for (curl

Not sure what you mean, but if it's about offering my translation for v2 because it's still missing.. then yeah, sure :) What do I need to do?

chubin commented 4 years ago

Regarding the phrasing length in v1, the only possible solution I see here it the popping up tooltips, because sometimes the phrasing is too long for any table of any size, but probably we should do it in a special v1t view or something like this, because otherwise it can break compatibility with the current clients.

regarding v2: I will add the things to be translated into or into, and then we can start

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

probably we should do it in a special v1t view or something like this

No worries. I was expecting that it would not be simple. But I'd be happy to help on a dedicated issue if I can, although I'm not sure what "popping up tooltips" are.

I will add the things to be translated into or into, and then we can start

Okay, feel free to ping me on this thread when it's time :)

chubin commented 4 years ago

I want to abuse the hyperlinks feature for that. If your terminal supports this feature, try:

printf '\e]8;;Partiellement couvert\e\\Partiellement …\e]8;;\e\\\n'

If your terminal does not support it, just start say gnome-terminal for it, and try it there

chubin commented 4 years ago

(wrong button pressed; never mind)

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

Oh, nice! It does work :) I get the idea. So you're planning on implementing this for cases where the phrasing overflows?

Or should I replace Partiellement couvert with '\e]8;;Partiellement couvert\e\\Partiellement …\e]8;;\e\\\n' in each line of fr.txt?

chubin commented 4 years ago

Yes, I do, but not in the main view, because it may be incompatible with some terminals, that's why we need some additional view for that, v3 or v1t , or v1p (p for popup) (the latter variant would not work because it is possible that the visible prefix is the same for different conditions)

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

I see a problem this morning with the current weather still written in english: reading `Rain`, not `Pluie`

But in fr.txt, I can see no line with the simple word Rain, should I add it? What's the code for Rain?

(I copy-pasted de.txt to create fr.txt, and it also misses this entry)

chubin commented 4 years ago

We should add this translation to fr.txt (and everywhere after that). Can you please add without a code, and then I will add its code too?

iago-lito commented 4 years ago

Sure. How to be sure that no other translation is missing?

chubin commented 4 years ago


Finally v2 translation! Could you please take a look at it? It is just a single line:


iago-lito commented 4 years ago

There you go. Please don't hesitate to ask for more translation if you need :) If the translation is too long and it screws up your layout, I can also try something less idiomatic but shorter.

And Happy 2020 with v2! ^ ^

iago-lito commented 3 years ago

Wop, I can still read something english in the French translation today:

Capture d’écran de 2020-07-28 09-13-13

(same in v2)

This can be translated as "Averses". But maybe there are other items like this missing in the translation, and I'm not sure that waiting for them to happen in my place is the right way to catch'em all X)

Is there a full list of items to translate? I'd be happy to work on it.

chubin commented 3 years ago

The translation is here:

The problem is that we can't foresee what new conditions the data source will add to its data. What is possible though, we can register all untranslated strings during the data translation and save them to some sort of log, so that they can be translated later

Also, there is a known bug, when several comma separated weather conditions listed at once, this mus be fixed too (#535)

chubin commented 3 years ago

The bug with comma-separated translation is fixed now, but there are some new untranslated terms:

: Schneeverfrachtung                                : Low drifting snow
: Nebelfelder                                       : Patches of fog
: Nieselregen                                       : Drizzle
: Leichter nielselregen                             : Light drizzle

Coud you please help me to translate them into French?

iago-lito commented 3 years ago

@chubin Well, good news, and happy new year :) Here is how I would translate the following:

Patches of fog:    Nappes de brouillard
Drizzle:           Bruine
Light drizzle:     Bruine légère

Low drifting snow is a nasty one. I've been investigating a close-related METAR code: DRSN, here on the French page.

All things considered, I would go for Chasse-neige basse at least until someone claims it's not right or requests that European French translation be distinguished from Canadian French.

chubin commented 3 years ago

@iago-lito Happy new year :) and Happy new Chinese New Year :) I finally found some time for our beautiful translations issues.

I've added your suggestion, + added yet another translation from #561 (Pluie légère avec neige); not sure about my translation.

About Canada/Europe, maybe we should distinguis between two variants of French, like we do for Portuguese? Or it makes no sense?

iago-lito commented 3 years ago

Hi ! This one depends on whether Light rain and snow should be read as:

.. man, translation is a tricky process X)

I am glad to hear there is a possibility to distinguish two variants of French, but I think it is not necessary yet because Poudrerie is the only variant term I am aware of, and I am not even sure about it. This said, I'd be happy to reconsider in the future, when someone shows up with a clear list of discriminant terms :)

chubin commented 3 years ago


Unprex commented 3 years ago

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to post this but today I saw some untranslated English:

Prévisions météo pour: Saarbrücken

       .-.      Rain and snow shower
      (   ).    +6(4) °C       
     (___(__)   ↘ 11 km/h      
      ‘ * ‘ *   10 km          
     * ‘ * ‘    0.0 mm         

It can be translated as "Averses de pluie et neige".

Apparently the same thing also appends on the German page, but I'm not sure how to translate it:

Wetterbericht für: Saarbrücken

       .-.      Rain and snow shower
      (   ).    +6(4) °C       
     (___(__)   ↘ 11 km/h      
      ‘ * ‘ *   10 km          
     * ‘ * ‘    0.0 mm         

Thanks for the amazing work!

iago-lito commented 3 years ago

Hi @Unprex ! I'd personally rather translate another way depending on how I interpret "Rain and snow shower".. should it mean:

What do you think?

Unprex commented 3 years ago

The second one seems better. To me it expresses that the rain/snow is intermittent, but chutes de neige doesn't.

I did a bit of searching and found that some major French weather websites showcase legends for their icons:

Maybe adding mêlées to the first translation will convey better that the rain and snow are together: "Averse de pluie et neige mêlées"

chubin commented 3 years ago

I added logging for missing translations, and soon we will find a lot of them. These two were just found:

$ grep ^fr /  | sort -u
fr Haze
fr Thunderstorm
iago-lito commented 3 years ago

"Haze" translates as Brume (IIUC it's thinner than "Fog" that rather translates as Brouillard)

"Thunderstorm" is Orage :)

chubin commented 3 years ago

As promised, tons of missing translations:

heavy rain and hail with thunderstorm
heavy rain with thunderstorm
light rain and hail with thunderstorm
light rain and snow shower
light rain with thunderstorm
light snow shower
parftial fog
rain and hail with thunderstorm
rain with thunderstorm
shallow fog
thunderstorm in vicinity
iago-lito commented 3 years ago

Good work ^ ^ Here are my suggestions:

fortes pluies et orages de grêle
fortes pluies orageuses
orages de pluie et grêle légères 
pluie légère et averses
pluies légères orageuses
chutes de neige légères
nappes de brouillard
orage de pluie et de grêle
pluies orageuses
brouillard léger
orages proches
chubin commented 3 years ago

Thank you! Committed, deployed, let's wait for new missing translations

chubin commented 3 years ago

New bunch of missing translations:

drizzle and rain
hail with thunderstorm
light drizzle and rain
light rain and small hail/snow pallets with thunderstorm
iago-lito commented 3 years ago

Here you go :)

bruine et pluie
orage de grêle
bruine legère et pluie
orage, pluie légère et grèle / neige roulée

(btw regarding the last one I think it's snow pellets not snow pallets, right?)

chubin commented 3 years ago

That's how it comes from the data source. Perhaps we need the English-to-English translation layer to fix their typos and mistakes. Anyway, now our French translation has less errors than the English one. Let's see if something left untranslated

eliaz051 commented 1 month ago


On the Internet browser version, the French translation is partial: image-5