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United Kingdom Output Formatting #343

Open pnlrogue1 opened 5 years ago

pnlrogue1 commented 5 years ago

I know we're really awkward in the UK but we use Metric units for temperature and imperial for wind speed (so Centigrade and MPH). By default, using Metric units for UK (understandable as we're in EMEA) but there's no way to force it into the correct combination.

Could we please either get a way of specifying the Wind and Tempareture units or just specifying the UK formatting?

Thank you!


liyishuai commented 4 years ago

This issue is more than UK: In Chinese we use Beaufort scale (proposed in #231) for wind speed. It'll be nice to have default formatting per language.

chubin commented 4 years ago

@pnlrogue1 We have one option for wind (?M for m/s; and by default it is km/h), but we need some option for MPH too. Maybe ?i for miles?

@liyishuai I am not sure that it is a good idea to bind to the languages (at least, not for all languages; for example, it would not work for English). But we definitely need different output formats for wind. Maybe ?b for Beaufort scale? (#231)

liyishuai commented 4 years ago

Indeed, I should request "default formatting per locale" rather than "per language". ?b for Beaufort looks good.

chubin commented 4 years ago

The problem is, that the local is not passed by default by the browser; and for the multi-language versions like, we have in the server name only the language name, and not the country name.

?b for Beafort accepted.