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Legacy Support Options (16 colors & ASCII encoding) #587

Open codefenix-ConChaos opened 3 years ago

codefenix-ConChaos commented 3 years ago



First, let me say I love this app. It produces lovely results on the command line.

I run a telnet BBS and would love the ability to curl the output of to an ANSI file, so that said ANSI file can be viewed by users on my BBS. However, two things are stopping me from doing that:

  1. The BBS software I'm using (Synchronet, and probably most others) has no support for 256 color ANSI escape codes used in's output. As far as I can tell, the BBS software only supports the legacy 16 color escape codes.
  2. The output encoding of (I'm guessing) is strictly UTF-8, which also does not render properly in the BBS. While I can set curl's encoding to ASCII, the line-drawing characters do not translate properly when using that option.

To try to illustrate both issues, I'll use the command curl -o sample.ans to generate a sample ANS file. When viewing the resulting sample file in the ANSI editor PablowDraw, the attached screen is what displays.


If there were parameter options for both selecting either 16 or 256 color codes and selecting either ASCII or UTF-8 character encoding, that would produce great results that BBS sysops would love.

exkc commented 3 years ago

you can disable 256 color ANSI by using T flag.

Try this command:

curl -o sample.ans

it might help to fix

codefenix-ConChaos commented 3 years ago

you can disable 256 color ANSI by using T flag.

While that makes the output plain-text, it would still be nice to have some colors instead of none at all.

It also doesn't address the encoding.

chubin commented 3 years ago

@CraigEMP Accepted 16-colors request.

Now about the encoding:

what what be the best solution?

  1. ASCII Only (see: #432, #113, #197, #221)
  2. No frames
  3. Encoding can be specified as the parameter
codefenix-ConChaos commented 3 years ago

@CraigEMP Accepted 16-colors request.

Nice, thank you!

Now about the encoding:

what what be the best solution?

  1. ASCII Only (see: #432, #113, #197, #221)
  2. No frames
  3. Encoding can be specified as the parameter

Of the issues listed in your ASCII Only option, issue #432 is doable, as it's most similar to what I'm asking for, however it seemingly does not ask to keep support for the box and line drawing characters within Codepage 437, which make ANSI tables look very nice.

(side note: we should be careful to not conflate plain-text discussed in issues #113 and #197 with ASCII encoding; ASCII != plain-text)

The frameless display could be a decent workaround, but there are other characters that would still get interpreted incorrectly, like the degree and wind direction symbols, as well occasional dashes used for the sun's rays (another screenshot attached).


Specifying the encoding sounds ideal, if it's doable.

chubin commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think both are doable. I updated the issue description, added both feature requests to it.

It will be possible to specify these two parameters with the following options:

Nikoh77 commented 1 year ago

Hello guys i am a SysOp, i am trying to implement wttr on my bbs but when i open ansi file i see this: Schermata a 2023-02-10 19-34-57 How can i solve? Thanks

Nikoh77 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am back, I solved with this cli command: iconv -f UTF-8 -t CP437//TRANSLIT -c incoming.ans -o outcoming.ans so it would be even more beautiful with some colors... ;-)