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:partly_sunny: The right way to check the weather
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Problems with coordinates in Ohio, USA #958

Open ylluminate opened 5 months ago

ylluminate commented 5 months ago

It appears that regional coordinates in southern Ohio are not working (I've tried various and many different locations here randomly):


$ curl ",-82.680644?0"
>>>    _  _    ___  _  _
>>>   | || |  / _ \| || |
>>>   | || |_| | | | || |_
>>>   |__   _| |_| |__   _|
>>>      |_|  \___/   |_|
>>>   404 UNKNOWN LOCATION: 38.538713,-82.680644
$ curl ",-82.68?0"
>>>    _  _    ___  _  _
>>>   | || |  / _ \| || |
>>>   | || |_| | | | || |_
>>>   |__   _| |_| |__   _|
>>>      |_|  \___/   |_|
>>>   404 UNKNOWN LOCATION: 38.53,-82.68
$ curl ",-82?0"
>>>    _  _    ___  _  _
>>>   | || |  / _ \| || |
>>>   | || |_| | | | || |_
>>>   |__   _| |_| |__   _|
>>>      |_|  \___/   |_|
>>>   404 UNKNOWN LOCATION: 38,-82