chucklessducks / VPS-Wireguard-Nginx-Mailcow

My journey to make my own email server.
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Wireguard Setup No Internet connection on local side #3

Open itzpere opened 2 years ago

itzpere commented 2 years ago

So i had this issue where when i finished the setup and tried apt update it didn't work, because there was no internet connection, checked with sudo wg-quick down wg0 and it works. So the problem is losing internet connection while it is up.

what i use

on local i had debian 11 running NPM and on server i was using oracle free vps with ubuntu minimal 22.04. After the first fail i transfered both systems to ubuntu 20.04, like required, still didn't work.

work around

Work around for this is that you follow the wiki until "Sysctl Setup" because when i set it up there is no internet connection (but clients still have connection between them when you ping them) So instead of doing what wiki said i just did sudo crontab -e and i there i pasted following at the bottom of file: @reboot sudo wg-quick up wg0

If someone have the same issue hope this helps