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Locking Menu Items in the Authoring Tool #2

Open RickVanLouis opened 7 years ago

RickVanLouis commented 7 years ago

Hey there,

is there a solution to lock the Menu sequentially in the Adapt Authoring Tool?

Thanks Manuel

chucklorenz commented 7 years ago

Hi Manuel, I don't use the authoring tool on a regular basis, so my familiarity with techniques is ragged--add to that the constant improvement of the tool. So I'm not the best person to answer this. But I'm happy to help you find an answer.

When you have questions that are not urgent or that benefit from wide consultation (for example when you want several ideas about how to accomplish something), post in the Technical Discussion forum (

When you have a question that is time sensitive, or about a quick question that you know should have an easy answer, or something technical that is preventing you from completing the project you have in front of you, jump into the gitter rooms: Lots of knowledgable folks are in there, especially during UK hours.

Gitter rooms are topic based. For this question, jump into the gitter room labeled "adapt_authoring".

If the gitter rooms are new to you, I'd post something like this: @hmaffin and others, how can I lock menu items sequentially in the AT?

Anyone may answer your question, but "@hmaffin" will call out Helen Maffin who can be very helpful with these types of questions.

hbaileylxd commented 7 years ago

Hi Manuel,

As Chuck says best to check out the forum or the gitter rooms for questions but I'll quickly answer here so you get the answer you need.

Yes there is! Go into the Project Settings of your course. Scroll down the settings until you find Menu Lock Type Choose "sequential"


I hope that helps! Helen

RickVanLouis commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much. You helped me alot. I hope there is a solution for my proxy problem soon, so I'm able to use the Framework :)

hbaileylxd commented 7 years ago

RickVanLouis - Where di you post about your proxy problem? I can maybe help with that too?

RickVanLouis commented 7 years ago

@hmaffin It's over there:

I tried all the proxy settings but at the end I'm not able to install the Authoring Tool or to use the Framework.

Thanks for ur help Manu :)

EDIT: This works one for me. But I had no success installing Authoring Tool v3.