chucklu / EnglishStudy

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2021年04月 #4

Open chucklu opened 3 years ago

chucklu commented 3 years ago

The world is distributed astute精明的; 狡猾的; erosion(河流、气候等的)侵蚀,腐蚀; (权威、权利、信心等的)逐渐丧失,削弱; (支持的)减少; (价值的)降低; (货币的)贬值; deteriorate变坏; 恶化; 退化; consultant顾问; 高级顾问医师; 会诊医师; practitioner(尤指医学或法律界的)从业人员; 习艺者; 专门人才; resistant 抵抗的; 有抵抗力的; 抵制的; 阻止的; 抗…的; 耐…的; resiliency 跳回,弹性;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

peripheral 次要的;附带的;外围的;周边的;与计算机相连的 outage 停电(等)期间 interdependence 相互依赖;相互依存 latency 潜伏;潜在因素; the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer. cohesive 结成一个整体的;使结合的;使凝结的;使内聚的 homogeneous 由相同(或同类型)事物(或人)组成的;同种类的 motorcycle摩托车 sidecar,a small, low vehicle attached to the side of a motorcycle for carrying passengers. proximity (时间或空间)接近,邻近,靠近 sidekick 助手;副手 Interprocess communication is the mechanism provided by the operating system that allows processes to communicate with each other. agnostic 不可知论(者)的 impractical 不明智的;不现实的;手不灵巧的;不善于规划(或组织)的 daemon; In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon (/ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/)[1] is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. overhead开销

chucklu commented 3 years ago

fabricate 编造; 捏造; 制造; 装配; 组装; ethnic 民族的; 种族的; 具有民族特色的; 异国风味的; minority 少数; 少数派; 少数人; 少数民族; 少数群体; 未成年; timely 及时的; 适时的;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

fictitious 虚构的; 虚假的; globe 地球仪; 地球,世界(尤用以强调其大); 球体; 球状物; procurement (尤指为政府或机构)采购,购买; advantageous 有利的; 有好处的; conduct 组织; 安排; 实施; 执行; 指挥(歌唱或音乐演奏); 带领; 引导; 为(某人)导游; hypothetical 假设的; 假定的; fictional 虚构的; 小说(中)的; scalability 可扩展性;可伸缩性;可量测性; elasticity 弹性; 弹力; agility 灵敏性;敏捷;灵活;机敏; upfront 坦率的; 诚实的; 直爽的; 预付的; 预交的; costly 花钱多的; 昂贵的; 价钱高的; 引起困难的; 造成损失的; expenditure 花费; 消费; 费用; 开支; (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗; asset 有价值的人(或事物); 有用的人(或事物); 资产; 财产; accountant 会计; 会计师; depreciated 贬值; 跌价; 折旧; 贬低; 轻视; amortized 分期偿还,摊还(债款); balance sheet 一般指资产负债表附表 net profit 净利润 taxable income 应税收入是指个人或企业的总收入 acronym 首字母缩略词(如Aids系由acquired immune deficiency syndrome的首字母组成); tenant 房客; 租户; 佃户;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

procure (设法)获得,取得,得到; 诱使(妇女)卖淫; flexible 能适应新情况的;灵活的;可变动的;柔韧的;可弯曲的;有弹性的

chucklu commented 3 years ago

prevalence 流行; 卓越; retarded 迟钝的; 弱智的; 智力发育迟缓的; refrain 克制; 节制; 避免; ascertain 查明; 弄清;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

dismayed 使诧异; 使惊愕; 使失望; blow over 平息; 烟消云散; blithely 快活地;无忧无虑地 darn 极其,非常(婉辞,与damn同义); peel 剥(水果、蔬菜等的)皮; 去皮; 剥掉; 揭掉; 剥落; 脱落; submarine 潜艇 hopelessly 绝望地,无望地; germ 微生物; 细菌; 病菌; 起源; 发端; 萌芽; 胚芽; 胚原基; 芽孢; 胚胎; oversimplified 陈述过于简略; 说明过于简单化; chronologically 按年代次序地; spare 不用的; 闲置的; 备用的; 外加的; 空闲的; 空余的; wicked 邪恶的; 缺德的; 淘气的; 调皮的; 恶作剧的; 危险的; 有害的; 强大的; devious 诚实的; 不直率的; 欺诈的; 迂回的(路线); 曲折的(道路); dim 暗淡的; 昏暗的; 微弱的; 不明亮的; 光线暗淡的; 不分明的; 不清楚的; 朦胧的; 隐约的; bulb 电灯泡; (植物)鳞茎; 鳞茎状物(如温度计的球部); condemn (通常因道义上的原因而)谴责,指责; 宣判; 判处(某人某种刑罚); 迫使…接受困境(或不愉快的状况); spiffy 漂亮而时髦的; codified 把…编成法典; interpretation 理解; 解释; 说明; 演绎; 演奏方式; 表演方式; dang 倒霉,该死(婉辞,与damn同义); tumbling (使)跌倒,摔倒,滚落,翻滚下来; 倒塌; 坍塌; (价格或数量)暴跌,骤降; platonic 柏拉图式的(指不含性爱); ideal 理想; 看似完美的思想(或标准); 完美的人(或事物);

chucklu commented 3 years ago

consortium (合作进行某项工程的)财团,银团,联营企业;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

encompass 包含,包括,涉及(大量事物); 包围; 围绕; 围住; perceive 注意到; 意识到; 察觉到; 将…理解为; 将…视为; 认为; employ 雇用; 应用; 运用; 使用; forecast 预测; 预报; outcome 结果; 效果; fraudulent 欺骗的; 欺诈的;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

virtually nearly; almost. merely just; only. surface: the outside part or uppermost layer of something. congnitive: relating to cognition. cognition: the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. reason: verb think, understand, and form judgements logically.

sentiment: exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia. many of the appeals rely on treacly sentiment

namely:that is to say; to be specific (used to introduce detailed information or a specific example). the menu makes good use of Scottish produce, namely game and seafood

shift: move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance. "a team from the power company came to shift the cables away from the house"

intervention: the action or process of intervening. intervene: take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events. "he acted outside his authority when he intervened in the dispute"

nuanced: characterized by subtle shades of meaning or expression. "Lowe's work has gradually grown more nuanced"

chucklu commented 3 years ago

precisely 准确地; 恰好地; 精确地; 细心地; 仔细地; (强调真实或明显)正是,确实; suffice 足够; 足以; demographics 人口统计数据; brick-and-mortar 实体的; 具体的; 实体存在; 砖墙加灰泥式的;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

chest 胸部; 胸膛; 有…胸的; 胸部…的; (常为木制的)大箱子; gryphon 希神>半狮半鹫的怪兽;

chucklu commented 3 years ago

estate (通常指农村的)大片私有土地,庄园; 住宅区; 工业区; 工厂区; 个人财产; (尤指)遗产; sentinel 哨兵; vault (尤指银行的)金库,保险库; (教堂的)地下墓室; (坟地的)墓穴; 拱顶; 穹隆;

chucklu commented 3 years ago If you miss getting in enough hours of sleep, here are a few ways you can make it up.

Take a power nap of about 20 minutes in the early afternoon.
Sleep on the weekends, but not more than two hours past the normal time you wake up.
Sleep more for one or two nights.
Go to bed a little earlier the next night.
chucklu commented 3 years ago

launder 洗熨(衣物); 洗(钱); credibility 可信性; 可靠性; brand image 品牌形象; sustainability 耐久性;可持续性;永续性;可持续发展 pillar 支柱;(尤指兼作装饰的)柱子;纪念柱;柱状物 unethical 不道德的; indignant 愤慨的; 愤怒的; 义愤的; scrutinize 仔细查看; 认真检查; 细致审查;