chulkilee / ex_force

A Salesforce REST API wrapper for Elixir
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Can't send Text/CSV request body #32

Closed JohnKacz closed 5 years ago

JohnKacz commented 5 years ago

So I'm honestly not sure if this is an ExForce issue or Tesla.

I'm trying to use ExForce to send some Bulk API 2.0 requests (example). You can see in step 3 "Uploading your CSV data" the content-type header is text/csv. However, the following fails because when the client is built the JSON middleware is set, and I believe is encoding the csv_data.

  method: :put,
  url: "jobs/ingest/#{job_id}/batches/",
  headers: ["Content-Type": "text/csv", Accept: "application/json"],
  body: csv_data

Would solving this just be a matter of writing a CSV Tesla middleware or is this currently outside the scope of what ExForce can handle?

chulkilee commented 5 years ago

I wasn't aware of such cases.

If the body is already binary (string), Tesla.Middleware.Json seems to 1) pass the body as-is and 2) do not set the content-type header. See

Could you pass the csv_data as string? (already encoded as csv)

JohnKacz commented 5 years ago

I see you're right. I'll do some more testing. Why do you say "do not set the content-type header"?

JohnKacz commented 5 years ago

So I tried it again and got the same error. More details:

  method: :put,
  url: "jobs/ingest/#{job_id}/batches/",
  headers: ["Content-Type": "text/csv", Accept: "application/json"], # commenting out this line yeilds the same results
  body: csv_data # csv_data is a binary

Returns a 409 response with the body:

body: [%{
  "errorCode" => "BULK_API_ERROR",
  "message" => "Wrong content-type for batch (), job is of type: text/csv"


  ["Content-Type": "text/csv", Accept: "application/json", authorization: token]

Works just fine. So my assumption was that Tesla was doing something to the string before sending it on.

Additionally if I pass a Map instead of a String as csv_data the response error is the same except it specifies the type.

body: [%{
  "errorCode" => "BULK_API_ERROR",
  "message" => "Wrong content-type for batch (application/json), job is of type: text/csv"

So the fact that the error message doesn't give a type for the wrong content-type when passing a String must mean something.

chulkilee commented 5 years ago

First, headers are incorrect format. It should be [{binary(), binary()}] (ref). ["Content-Type": "text/csv"] == [{:"Content-Type", "text/csv"}]

Second, Tesla httpc adopter has a bug that only content-type (all downcase) works. I reported to tesla -

Third, If you pass map or list, then the json middleware find it is "encodable" so it will set the content-type header. (see code)

See this code:

csv_data = "a,b,c\ne,f,g"
client = ExForce.build_client("")

{:ok, %{body: %{"headers" => headers, "data" => data}} = resp} =
    method: :put,
    url: "/put",
    headers: [{"content-type", "text/csv"}, {"accept", "application/json"}],
    body: csv_data

"data:application/octet-stream;base64," <> body_encoded = data
^csv_data = body_encoded |> Base.decode64!() |> :zlib.gunzip()

# The resp shows only one content-type - but I believe tesla sends multiple content-type
# and httpbin just picks up the first value.
# You can see the data is in json
{:ok, resp} =
    method: :put,
    url: "/put",
    headers: [{"content-type", "text/csv"}, {"accept", "application/json"}],
    body: [["a", "b", "c"]]

In short: could you test with lower case header in correct type? [{"content-type", "text/csv"}, {"accept", "application/json"}]

JohnKacz commented 5 years ago

That was it. Thanks @chulkilee and sorry for the trouble.