chullhwan-song / Reading-Paper

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2018 Google Landmark Retrieval Challenge 리뷰 #105

Open chullhwan-song opened 5 years ago

chullhwan-song commented 5 years ago

chullhwan-song commented 5 years ago

Google Landmark Classification Challenge 와 헷갈리지 마세요~


remap 논문 : REMAP: Multi-layer entropy-guided pooling of dense CNN features for image retrieval


Practically, the KL-divergence Weighting (KLW) block in the REMAP architecture is implemented
using a  convolutional layer with weights initialized by the KL-divergence values and optimized
using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) on the triplet loss function.

Our novel component KL-divergence weighting (KLW) can be implemented using 1D convolutional 
layer, with weights than can be optimized. 



4th - NaverLabs Europe


Step 1: Training a usual CN

6 th

image image

8th Etri


9th Naver


10 th


  1. CNN: ResNet, Wide ResNet, Inception-v3, DenseNet - imagenet 기반 pretrained model > The best result : ResNet-101 pretrained on ImageNet.
    • augmentation : random resized crops, color jittering, horizontal flipping , random resizing 224x224 crops
  2. Loss : metric learning, ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
  3. Inference - softmax문제로 풀지 않았기 때문에.
    • 학습셋중에 random하게 100개 선택
    • 이것에 대한 vector를 추출하고 mean vector를 구함.
    • 이 vector에 대해 normalize
    • 최종적으로 cosine distance 적용
  4. Ensembles
    • 5 folds training set > 5개 모델 생성
    • 이들 모델 결과에 대한 voting

14th - 4 main steps : 링크

  1. finetuned ImageNet-pretrained PyTorch ResNet50 > 이때 Landmark Recognition Challenge 데이터셋을 적용하여 학습.
  2. 이렇게 생성된 featrue를 KNN 이용 - 여기서는 facebook라이브러리
  3. top-100 에 대해 local descriptor + ransac verification > sift 기반 매칭을 사용한것같음.
  4. query expansion

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