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Will we see the Qualities from Run Faster included? #47

Open Kyoto-Kid opened 8 years ago

Kyoto-Kid commented 8 years ago

Wondering if the Qualities from the Run Faster sourcebook will be added. Currently am having to select substitute qualities as place holders with an added note of which one they signify. This however does create a couple small issues when there isn't an existing quality with the same karma point value and/or the quality has an effect on other aspects of the character. For example "Burnout's Way" is the only 15 Karma Positive quality, if this is selected as a place holder for say "Trustworthy", it automatically limits what grades of Cyber and Bio enhancements are available.

In lieu of having to expand the Qualities database, as there is a fairly extensive list, a possible temporary workaround would be to include a "custom quality" box that allows for the name, type and Karma value (+ or -) to be entered which would affect both the base karma as well as Positive/Negative qualities total.

HaikenEdge commented 8 years ago

Agree with this; some of the qualities from Run Faster are really interesting, and I'd love to be able to add them to my character in Chummer when I'm building said character.

Kyoto-Kid commented 8 years ago

OK just downloaded and installed ver .175 and when I started it I got the following Windows Error:

"C:\Programme files\chummer5..175 is not a valid Win32 Application".