Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
Yes, this is a problem.
I don't have the tools/skills/knowledge to do the graphics work needed for
this; see!topic/tunnelblick-discuss/0JU-UQHVJDY
Original comment by
on 22 Oct 2014 at 10:28
Just documenting it. Sadly I looked at that thread and it's bizarrely
complicated. If it was just an icon I'd figure it out, but the animated
multi-icon thing is beyond me too.
Original comment by
on 22 Oct 2014 at 11:48
Although both the thread and the whole subject of the "icon sets" is
complicated, what I need help with is simple:
I posted an image in that thread that -- as I understand it -- is black and
gray on a transparent background (I think the background is transparent; it
could be white).
I need that image converted to an image that is black on a transparent
background -- no gray -- with an "alpha channel" that modifies some of the
black parts so they appear gray, so that the new "black/transparent/alpha"
image **looks** the same as the original "black/gray/transparent (white?)"
image. (That's my understanding of how it works, anyway).
If I have that, I can experiment to figure out how to get that to work in Dark
Mode before anybody goes to the trouble of converting a whole bunch of images.
It is possible, for example, that converting the images will make it
unnecessary to have "highlighted" images, so there will be fewer images to
convert. But in any case I'd like to make sure it works before asking anyone to
convert a bunch of images.
I'll post this in the thread, too, and maybe somebody will help.
Original comment by
on 22 Oct 2014 at 12:39
Issue 253 has been merged into this issue.
Original comment by
on 12 Nov 2014 at 5:47
This was fixed in the source code as of r3123.
Anyone who wishes to try a "snapshot" (pre-release version of Tunnelblick) that
includes the fixes (and lots of other good stuff) may email me privately at my
Gmail address, jkbullard, and I'll send a link to download it.
Original comment by
on 12 Nov 2014 at 5:49
Issue 256 has been merged into this issue.
Original comment by
on 20 Nov 2014 at 2:53
Original issue reported on by
on 22 Oct 2014 at 10:19Attachments: