chuushi / CoreProtect-Lookup-Web-Interface

A flexible lookup web interface for CoreProtect 2
MIT License
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2005: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) #42

Open valenvaio opened 1 year ago

valenvaio commented 1 year ago

Hello. When I connect to BD, I get this error:

2005: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '' (0)

The error is similar if you try to log in through the console with the address and port. As below:

mysql -u MineFS_UltraPunishments -p -h
2005: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '' (0)

As for this, everything works correctly:

mysql -u MineFS_UltraPunishments -p -h
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 454
Server version: 10.5.15-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 Debian 11

I suspect the problem is related to changes in PDO or explicitly specifying a port. Maybe you need to fix something in your code. If I don't specify port in host parameter in config file then it just show error: Unknown error occured.

PHP 5.6.40-0+deb8u12 (cli) (built: Jun 28 2020 09:37:30)