Closed CoolLKKPS closed 8 months ago
Your rework looks a bit better, but i would word some parts slightly differently for more clarity. Also, noticed some grammatical and potential punctuation errors. But, yeah, i would probably need to update Russian translation too, since it might be somewhat outdated.
希望这次不会再有遗漏 - 回溯一部分attempt替换成attempting的翻译,oops! - 因了解了基本全部的检测机制,故翻译内容已经很可靠了 - got to say:检测到玩家刷假人,Player detected as a fake! on msg_Mask (我承认那个翻译者很努力了,但这的确得中国人才能理解我觉得,刷这个字的潜在含义可以是刷装[farming]/刷新[refresh]/生成[generate, meme mean only]的意思,在繁体中文下刷装[farming]可以是农装[farming],但含义都是更偏向搜刮[loot]以及收集[gather],但在此处,它是生成[generate],因为刷这个字在梗[meme]的含义是频繁[often]或重复着做一件事情[Do one thing over and over again]以及更多[etc.],故这里生成假人的含义属于恶意[malicious]的) ! @NilaierMusic just let u know i basically rework the english version, u can base on this english version to rework ru version, and really appreciate u made eng/ru localization before, for the community!