chuyun2024 / School-Shooting-Casualty-Analysis

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Peer Review 1 - Jin Zhang #3

Closed KrystalJin1 closed 13 hours ago

KrystalJin1 commented 1 week ago

Summary This paper tries to predict and suggest ways to stop school shootings in the US in 2025. It uses a lot of data and strong analysis to show what could happen and how to prevent it.

Strong Positive Points

Critical Improvements Needed

Suggestions for Improvement


Any other comments: Really good idea! The paper is well on its way to being a great resource on school shootings. Finishing the missing parts and adding more visuals could improve it a lot!

chuyun2024 commented 13 hours ago

Hi Krystal,

Thank you very much for your peer-review!

I adjusted my paper based on your feedback:)