chuyun2024 / Toronto-Island-Ferry-Tickets-Sales-Redemption-Analysis-and-Strategic-Solutions

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Peer review by Yi Tang #3

Closed YiTang2 closed 1 day ago

YiTang2 commented 2 days ago

Opening statement summary

The paper discusses ticket sales and redemption data for the Toronto Islands Ferry, which focuses on trends across seasons and the correlation between sales and redemption counts. It highlights how understanding these trends can help optimize ferry operations and resource allocation.

Strong positive points

This analysis is structured well (I really like your table of contents) and uses clear visualizations to illustrate key findings, making it easy to follow the main trends in the data.

Critical improvements needed

Introduction: The introduction actually does a good job in explaining the context and goals of the research, it might be helpful to expand a bit more on the significance of the findings. For example, discussing how the data might impact future planning for the ferry service could make the introduction more engaging. Data section: The explanations of raw and cleaned data sections are good, but it might be better to include more details on how the data was cleaned or any potential challenges faced during the process. Figures and visualizations: The figures clearly show the relationship between sales and redemptions. However, adding more context or discussion around the graphs, especially regarding any anomalies or outliers, could strengthen the analysis. For example, there are significant spikes in summer months, but why these occur could be explored more. Discussion and implications: The discussion touches on the practical applications of the data, but you might want to dive deeper into how the findings could influence decision-making for the ferry service. For instance, specific recommendations on scheduling or staffing adjustments based on peak times could make the findings more actionable.

Suggestions for improvement:

Clarify the seasonal analysis: It is interesting to explore whether there are some other factors which contribute to higher redemption counts in the summer months beyond just an increase in visitors. For instance, are there specific events or holidays that drive these peaks? Further explore limitations: While you mention weaknesses briefly, it might be worth elaborating on any limitations or areas for improvement in the data collection or analysis. Were there any missing data points, or could there be external factors that influence sales/redemptions that weren't captured in the dataset? Add more policy or operational recommendations: You could enhance the paper by including more concrete recommendations for the ferry service. For instance, suggesting specific strategies for managing high-traffic periods or ways to maximize revenue during off-peak times could make the findings more practical.

Evaluation: R cited 1/1 LLM 1/1 title 1/2 author, date and repo: 2/2 abstract: 4/4 introduction 4/4 data: 6/10 measurement 1/4 prose 6/6 cross references 0/1 captions: 2/2 graphs/tables/etc: 3/4 referencing 0/4 commits 2/2 sketches 0/2 simulation 4/4 tests 0/4 reproducibility 4/4 code style 1/1 general excellence 2/3

Estimated mark: 44/65

Reason: The organization is pretty well. Hope to see the final output:)

chuyun2024 commented 1 day ago

Hi Yi,

Thank you very much for your peer review!!

The following changes are made based on your feedback:

As for the seasonal analysis, since I didn't do analysis on other datasets that might reveal the reason of the increase of visitor in summer months. I don't think I should say the reason specifically because I don't have enough evidence, but I'll think if I should do something to account for that!