chvmp / champ

MIT Cheetah I Implementation
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Robot Control works in RViz but not in Gazebo #147

Open thisismoiself opened 2 months ago

thisismoiself commented 2 months ago

I used the champ_setup_assistant for a config for my own .urdf file of the Unitree Go1 Robot. When I launch the config via roslaunch go1_custom_config bringup.launch rviz:=true everything seems to work fine and i can control the robot through roslaunch champ_teleop teleop.launch and my keyboard.

However, when launching the same config with roslaunch go1_custom_config gazebo.launch the robot just lays on its belly and does nothing. I also see that the transforms for all of the joints seem to be missing from rviz and rosrun tf tf_monitor.

Any clues on why that is? Thank you for your help!

morg1207 commented 3 weeks ago

Understanding the Issue with ROS2 Controllers and Controller Manager

I encountered a problem and here’s what I learned:

  1. Launching ROS2 Controllers Requires controller_manager:
    To launch ROS2 controllers, the controller_manager must be running. There are two ways to achieve this:

  2. First Method: Using ros2_control_node
    You can launch the controller_manager using the node provided by the controller_manager package, called ros2_control_node. This can be done with the following command:

    ros2 run controller_manager ros2_control_node

    This method is not used in CHAMP packages, since gazebo is in charge of launching this as we will see in the following lines.

  3. Second Method: Using gazebo_ros2_control Plugin
    This method is used in CHAMP packages via the gazebo_ros2_control plugin. Here’s how it works:

    In the champ_urdf.xacro file, the gazebo_ros2_control plugin is loaded with the following configuration:

        <plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros2_control">
            <parameters>$(find champ_gazebo)/config/ros_control.yaml</parameters>

    When I checked the plugin’s repository, specifically this file, I found the following lines of code:

    // Create the controller manager
    RCLCPP_INFO(impl_->model_nh_->get_logger(), "Loading controller_manager");
    rclcpp::NodeOptions options = controller_manager::get_cm_node_options();
        new controller_manager::ControllerManager(
            impl_->model_nh_->get_namespace(), options));

    These lines indicate that the controller_manager is being launched.

  4. Error Encountered:
    When I tried to run the controllers, I received the following error:

    Could not contact service /controller_manager/load_controller
    [ERROR]: process has died [pid 127, exit code 1, cmd 'ros2 control load_controller --set-state active joint_states_controller'].

    This error message, "Could not contact service /controller_manager/load_controller", suggests that the service was not available at the time of the request. This happens because the controller_manager takes some time to start up.

    If you check the last lines of the terminal output:

    [gzserver-7] [INFO] [1724725219.832408974] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loading controller_manager
    [gzserver-7] [WARN] [1724725219.918087562] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Desired controller update period (0.004 s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period (0.001 s).
    [gzserver-7] [INFO] [1724725219.918704120] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loaded gazebo_ros2_control.

    You’ll notice that "Loading controller_manager" is logged towards the end, indicating that the controller_manager wasn’t ready when the controllers were trying to load.

  5. Solution:
    To solve this problem, you can insert a delay in the launch file after start_gazebo_spawner_cmd. Specifically, you should modify the controller loading commands as follows:




    from launch.event_handlers import OnExecutionComplete
    from launch.actions import RegisterEventHandler, TimerAction
    TimerAction(period=100.0, actions=[load_joint_state_controller]),

    This change will introduce a delay, ensuring that the controller_manager is fully loaded before attempting to load the controllers.