chvp / NanoLedger

Ledger (plain text accounting) data entry app for Android
MIT License
35 stars 3 forks source link

App crashes constantly #65

Closed Silverhawk85 closed 6 months ago

Silverhawk85 commented 6 months ago

The App crashes instantly when I want to open it. There are no error reports. This happens since version 0.1.3

Reproduction steps

Install Nanoleger 0.1.4 Open Instantcrash

Expected behaviour

App doesnt crash

System information

Samsung Galaxy A6+ Android 10

chvp commented 6 months ago

Just to be clear, this didn't happen on 0.1.2 but does from 0.1.3 onwards?

Silverhawk85 commented 6 months ago

Just to be clear, this didn't happen on 0.1.2 but does from 0.1.3 onwards?

0.1.2 works. 0.1.3 and 0.1.4 not. I can't say what the issue is. There is no error report.

chvp commented 6 months ago

Unfortunately I can't reproduce this on an emulator running Android 10. Can you try clearing data and seeing if that fixes the issue?

chvp commented 6 months ago

Or could you try running LogFox? You should be able to find the logs for the crash that way.

Silverhawk85 commented 6 months ago

Uninstalling andreinstalling doesn't work.

I'll report back for the logs when I'm at home today. ;)

Silverhawk85 commented 6 months ago

Sorry for the late reply. I had some problems running LogFox. Im stuck with the setup. Even when I restart the device the setup screen appears which sais that after a restart the logs should be available. So I activated the developer fuction on my device and found an entry "bug report". Now I have a zip-file named dumpstate with many files and folders in it but I don't know if this is of any help. I have to look into it.

Silverhawk85 commented 6 months ago

I sent you the dumpstate.txt file to your e-mail. Maybe you can find the problem. :) I had to zip it because it was too big.

chvp commented 6 months ago

I found the relevant part of the logs:

12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime: Process: be.chvp.nanoledger, PID: 12507
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider from ProcessRecord{de31995 12507:be.chvp.nanoledger/u0a1219} (pid=12507, uid=11219) that is not exported from UID 10935
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.os.Parcel.createException(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.os.Parcel.readException(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.os.Parcel.readException(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at$Stub$Proxy.getContentProvider(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at$ApplicationContentResolver.acquireUnstableProvider(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.content.ContentResolver.acquireUnstableProvider(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.content.ContentResolver.openTypedAssetFileDescriptor(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.content.ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at android.content.ContentResolver.openInputStream(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at x2.e.b(Unknown Source:75)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at a3.l.g(Unknown Source:59)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at r3.a.c(Unknown Source:8)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at Source:109)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at Source:12)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at Source:2)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at Source:76)
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  Suppressed: g4.e0: [n1{Cancelling}@74002b8, Dispatchers.IO]
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at$Stub.onTransact(
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime:  at
12-17 11:39:48.674 11219 12507 12558 E AndroidRuntime: 
chvp commented 6 months ago

Not sure what is happening here, I'll take a look when I find some time (although it will probably be on the weekend).

chvp commented 6 months ago

I still can't reproduce this, even with the Material Files app installed (which is the app mentioned in the crash). Do you have any apps installed that could mess with file access for apps?

Silverhawk85 commented 6 months ago

Today I reinstalled version 0.1.4 and suddenly it works. In the meantime, Samsung has rolled out new updates for my smartphone. But I can't say exactly what kind of updates they were and if it works now because of the updates.

chvp commented 6 months ago

OK, in that case I will close this issue. Feel free to re-open if you encounter it again.