chylex / Discord-History-Tracker

Desktop app & browser script that saves Discord chat history into a file, and an offline viewer that displays the file.
MIT License
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Browser Extension version issue: "The selected channel is not visible in the channel list." #230

Closed RydenOpsaidoun closed 10 months ago

RydenOpsaidoun commented 10 months ago

I've been trying to log comments for the past month, but DHT keeps running into an error that "The selected channel is not visible in the channel list.". I use Opera, Brave, and Tampermonkey and I tried over and over again to update the script. I keep reading that there's a v38 version but it thinks it's still updated with v31e. I keep seeing the red notification on my Tampermonkey extension icon which should tell me there's an update, but nothing has changed after I tried to updated everything.

I ended up not being able to record critical comments after drama occurred on my servers and there was evidence deleted so I couldn't prove anything to the mods.

Is there a better way to update DHT or does it just not function on browser versions anymore?

TheTechRobo commented 10 months ago

I don't think the browser-based version has been updated yet, but the desktop app does work (and you can paste its tracking script into a browser).

chylex commented 10 months ago

The userscript/bookmarklet (browser-only) version of DHT was replaced by a desktop app a few years ago and that's the recommended way to use it. The browser-only version only gets occasional updates to fix tracking, it has not been updated for the latest Discord version yet.

Adding onto what TheTechRobo said, the desktop DHT app has nothing to do with the Discord app, both versions of DHT can be used with both desktop and web versions of Discord.

OpatrilPeter commented 10 months ago

I've had a need for the browser only version and made a stopgap solution that handles at least the case of single channel download by frankensteining the script from master branch with bits from browser-only version.

It requires some manual effort, but if someone would find that case useful, I've posted it here.

andrewv14 commented 10 months ago

@chylex do you have an idea as to when the browser-only version will be updated? I have the same issue as OP and I'd like to be able to archive soon. Worst case I can do the desktop version but would prefer to do the browser-only. Let me know - thanks!

chylex commented 10 months ago

No ETA. If you have the option to use the desktop version, I would recommend just using that now; eventually the browser-only version will go away entirely because it's bad in many ways and I don't enjoy spending my time on it.

will-ca commented 10 months ago

I think I've fixed the browser version, and also refactored it so it can be maintained with only minimal effort going forwards. Will clean up and PR later I think.

chylex commented 10 months ago

Backporting the fix is the easy part, I can do that in a few seconds; every update of the browser-only version also requires testing, rebuilding and uploading the website, updating release notes, updating links to old versions, and re-checking that the update applied correctly.

chylex commented 10 months ago

@will-ca If your refactor updates the syntax to match the app's tracker, that will definitely be a welcome PR. For now I will backport the fix and release it in a few hours.

will-ca commented 10 months ago

If your refactor updates the syntax to match the app's tracker, that will definitely be a welcome PR.

That's the idea, yeah. Actually it goes even further and rebases the browser version on the desktop git history, so future changes can simply be automatically merged instead of backported, and to reduce/eliminate separate testing by using the exact same discord.js/dom.js.

Since you mentioned it, I've also tried to make the website, release notes, and links to old versions lower/zero maintenance.