chzhang18 / RAG

Continual Stereo Matching of Continuous Driving Scenes with Growing Architecture
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About Scene Router and the contrastive loss #1

Open cocowy1 opened 1 year ago

cocowy1 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Cheng Hao, Congratulations! This paper made a huge contribution to the continuous learning of stereo matching and inspired me a lot. Recently, I've been trying to reproduce your work, and I've run into some trackable issues. 1) The scene-router module doesn't seem to exist in your code? I searched carefully, but found nothing. So, could you point out where the problem is? 2) Where is the contrastive loss? It seems that the loss function involved L1 smooth loss. Sorry to bother you, but to be honest, you push forward the development of stereo matching community!

chzhang18 commented 1 year ago

@cocowy1 Hi, Thank you for your interest in our work!