ci-ber / THOR_DDPM

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IXI data preparation steps #2

Open op1009 opened 3 weeks ago

op1009 commented 3 weeks ago

Congrats to authors for MICCAI24 accept!

After downloading the dataset, what are the steps needed to be followed for data preparation:

ci-ber commented 3 weeks ago
op1009 commented 3 weeks ago

Only these 2 csv files are present in data/CAPS_IXI/splits

ci-ber commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, I added the missing files. You should also be able to find the processed mid axial slices (IXI) in the png folder

op1009 commented 3 weeks ago

It's possible to train on all axial slices, but generative models aim to learn a distribution and expect a drop in performance unless conditioned for instance on the slice number (The model does not know what anatomy to reconstruct from pure noise with no guidance).