ci-group / revolve

Robot evolution framework for the Triangle of Life project
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WIP: Fix circleci #95

Closed portaloffreedom closed 4 years ago

portaloffreedom commented 4 years ago

Trying to fix circleci

DaanZ commented 4 years ago

CI build works now, but it maybe uses some older building instructions, thereby blocking the build.

portaloffreedom commented 4 years ago

Build now works, tests fail because we need at least python 3.7 ( We need to update the base image of cigroup/gazebo:gazebo10-revolve to a more updated ubuntu version (with a newer version of python).

We are now using ubuntu:xenial 16.04 as a base. Looking at I sugget we update at the latest LTS: ubuntu:focal 20.04 which has python 3.8

portaloffreedom commented 4 years ago

maybe we should merge this one and create a separate merge request for fixing the tests, yes