cibernox / svelte-intl-precompile

I18n library for Svelte.js that analyzes your keys at build time for max performance and minimal footprint
ISC License
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ES modules not found and precompiled #24

Closed fredrikvin closed 2 years ago

fredrikvin commented 2 years ago

I can't get precompile working with ES modules without modifying svelteIntlPrecompile.load. Unless I'm missing something svelteIntlPrecompile.load seems to only support JSON but the README says otherwise.

cibernox commented 2 years ago

Yes, you should be able to continue to import ES modules containing your translations instead of JSON files (although I find JSON much more convenient). You just have to import using the relative path (e.g. ../../locales/en.js) instead of the "magical folder" $locales (e.g. $locales/en.js). That "folder" is what tells the plugin to resolve the file to a JSON file and compile on the fly.

fredrikvin commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for the answer! Yeah, I could get it to work using relative paths but as the setup part of the README uses ES modules as an example and the __layout import example uses the "magical folder" I thought it would work and that I had messed something up. Then I'll simply put locales under src/lib so it is accessable via $lib/locales.

JSON is nice and all but I prefer being able to comment and split files up for bigger projects :)

cibernox commented 2 years ago

Good point, being able to use json files is a somewhat new feature and the readme as behind. I'm working on a proper documentation page for the library where I hope I'll clarify things better, but I've updated the readme anyway.

I tend to prefer JSON files because there is good tooling when working with translation teams. Their tools tend to ingest and output json/xml files.