ciccalab / SIMPLI

SIMPLI is a highly configurable pipeline for the analysis of multiplexed imaging data.
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Issue in normalization #5

Closed ernohanninen closed 2 years ago

ernohanninen commented 2 years ago

Hi! I have a problem running SIMPLI with multiple single channel samples. The problem is that SIMPLI normalizes only the first sample from the sample_metadata file. To better understand the problem I printed some output from the Nextflow process. It seems that the and reads the samples correct, but only the sample_1 is passed to the and that is why the sample_2 is not normalized. If I run the pipeline with SIMPLI test data everything works fine. With my data I skip the extraction step because I'm using single channel tiff images.

My terminal output:

N E X T F L O W ~ version 21.10.6 Launching [backstabbing_celsius] - revision: 1548360ea3 executor > local (2) [b9/f24b98] process > normalize_images:normalize_tiffs (1) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔ [14/107818] process > normalize_images:collect_normalize... [100%] 1 of 1 ✔ sample (printed from: : sample_1 sample (printed from: workflow normalize_images) : sample_1 sample (printed from: : sample_2 sample (printed from: workflow normalize_images) : sample_2 sample (printed from: process normalize_tiffs): sample_1

My metadata files are attached:

tiff_input_metadata.csv sample_metadata.csv

MicheleBortol commented 2 years ago


I am not sure why you are getting these lines in the terminal output:

sample (printed from: : sample_1
sample (printed from: workflow normalize_images) : sample_1
sample (printed from: : sample_2
sample (printed from: workflow nor
malize_images) : sample_2
sample (printed from: process normalize_tiffs): sample_1

Did you add the some extra code or options for printing? Anyway, I think your sample_metadata.csv file is OK but your tiff_input_metadata.csv has a small issue. It is not expected for samples to have different markers and labels could you retry with this attached version?


If this does not help could you send me your nextflow log file for the run to invesstigate further?



ernohanninen commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help, but the metadata file you provided didn't solve the issue. It still normalizes only the first sample. Here is my nextflow.log file:


And about the terminal output, yes I added some extra printing to better understand where the problem might be.


MicheleBortol commented 2 years ago

OK, it was due to a small bug which should be now fixed. Please see this commit for details: 34b48fa

Could you give it a go and let me know if you have any issues. Thank you for reporting this.

ernohanninen commented 2 years ago

Works perfectly, thank you so much!

MicheleBortol commented 2 years ago

No problem at all, thank you for reporting this issue.