ciccalab / SIMPLI

SIMPLI is a highly configurable pipeline for the analysis of multiplexed imaging data.
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Support Singularity successor Apptainer (`Cannot enable more than one container engine -- Choose either one of: singularity, apptainer`) #8

Closed paulmenzel closed 1 year ago

paulmenzel commented 1 year ago

Apptainer is the successor of Singularity.

$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=''" />
        <h2 style="text-align: center; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">This page has been moved to our new domain! ( ). Please wait well we redirect you. </h2>

Nextflow supports a variety of container runtimes, including Apptainer. It’d be nice, if SIMPLI would support it too and not hardcode Singularity.

$ ./ run -profile test -with-apptainer /dev/shm/nextflow/singularity/containers/simpli_imaging-default-simpli_imctools_stardist-test.img
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 23.02.1-edge
Launching `` [condescending_dalembert] DSL2 - revision: 09e3bd432a [master]
Cannot enable more than one container engine -- Choose either one of: singularity, apptainer
MicheleBortol commented 1 year ago

Hi @paulmenzel,

Thank you for pointing this out it is a good suggestion. I updated the nextflow.config file to support both apptainer and singularity. See for details. To run the pipeline now you need to specify either apptainer or singularity as a profile. For instance:

Please let me know if this works for you.

Best wishes
