cicciocb / Annex32_examples

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Fix search function in the editor #23

Closed cicciocb closed 1 month ago

cicciocb commented 1 month ago

And the binocular icon. (Just a note - not a request) Work similarly but not quite the same. Clicking the icon shows the pop-up window. Clicking again hides it. Using ctrlF shows the pop-up. CtrlF again searches. Not a problem to me as I always use ctrlF.

I double click a word in the script to highlight it then ctrlF to search - this works ok. If I then highlight a different word and use ctrlF it searches for the previous word as the new word is not copied to the pop-up.

Often I search for a string variable eg odb2dat$ but the $ sign is never included in the search - have to add this manually in the pop-up window.