cicciocb / Annex32_examples

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When the module is playing a stream (PLAY.STREAM) the touch on the pins stops to work #25

Closed cicciocb closed 1 month ago

cicciocb commented 1 month ago

From the thread : I'm polling three pins with the pin.touch command every 200ms (I've tried less frequently too) and I'm reading values of around 90 when not touched and less than 20 when touched on each pin (actually connected to drawing pins as domed circular buttons) before the command to start the stream. After the PLAY.STREAM command, it appears that one read is made of the pin and then will return that same value despite further touch / release. I've proven this by (correctly) reading the pins several times on startup then including a pause before streaming during which I'll untouch the button. The read immediately after the stream command will return the untouched value. After a PLAY.STOP the touch pins work correctly again.

demonstration program

` Demonstration of no pin.touch response whilst streaming

gosub ShowTouch

wlog "Start stream"
play.setup 1,32
PLAY.STREAM "",32000,,0,1
Vol = 2

gosub ShowTouch

wlog "Stop stream"

gosub ShowTouch

wlog "Ended"

for cnt = 1 to 10
  t12 = pin.touch(12)
  t13 = pin.touch(13)
  t15 = pin.touch(15)
  wlog t12, t13, t15
  pause 1000
next cnt