ciceroOslo / ciceroscm

Python version of the CICERO-SCM simple climate model/emulator
Apache License 2.0
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Natural emissions of N2O and CH4 #24

Closed ragnhibs closed 2 years ago

ragnhibs commented 2 years ago

Should have a routine in python for preparing natural emissions for CH4 and N2O. If the emissions or concentrations of these change, we should update the natural emissions (and be up to date). I had some matlab scripts for that here: /div/amoc/CSCM/SCM_Linux_v2019/Matlab_pre/NatEmis

maritsandstad commented 2 years ago

@benmsanderson was just asking about this when you where out, @ragnhibs

ragnhibs commented 2 years ago

Should be extend this back to 1750? So far the N2O and CH4 use concentration up to 1850. So we can start with emissions in 1750.

maritsandstad commented 2 years ago

@GlenPetersCICERO this issue

GlenPetersCICERO commented 2 years ago

I guess the natural emissions code should be ported into python as well? If the historical emissions series or the concentration series changes, then the natural emissions need to be updated, yes? I would not think it makes sense (for run time considerations) to integrate the natural emission code into the main scm function (though, maybe it does), but there should be someway to make sure the natural emissions that are feed into the scm are the ones consistent with the inputed emissions and concentration data?

maritsandstad commented 2 years ago

Yes, so some optional hooking up of this is the idea, I think...