ciceroOslo / ciceroscm

Python version of the CICERO-SCM simple climate model/emulator
Apache License 2.0
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Allow the model to be called with variable inputs #51

Closed benmsanderson closed 2 years ago

benmsanderson commented 2 years ago

Allow capacity for model to be run without input text files. Either with concentrations/emissions/forcing files defined as pandas dataframes or simple arrays.

maritsandstad commented 2 years ago

Ok, just jotting down some thoughts on how I would want this to work, so I want the user to be able to either send a file path option or just a Dataframe or array for the following (for the various run types for which they are needed):

For each of these I want the user to be able to mix and match between using files and sending data more directly... I might end up building some input checking infrastructure for this...